Want to be rich and famous?
Or sing well in the church?
Just go to the crossroads — have the Devil tune your guitar, or your life.
But, there is a catch...
It has to be at the Devil's Crossroads.
Devil At The Crossroads
Robert Johnson had little success or public recognition until...
He sealed a deal to sell his soul to the Devil to become a rich and famous guitarist.
Driven by burning desire to become a great blues musician he was led to a crossroad in a plantation at midnight. Met by a Big Black Man (Devil) who tuned his guitar. Results: instant extraordinary talent and skill.
Robert's deal with the Devil came due at age 27. Rumours of people seen him on all four, howling at the moon before he died.
Making Deals With The Devil
Heretic may not have learned supernaturally to play guitar by visiting graveyards at midnight...
Or, have his guitar tuned, but he could sing well the "Crossroad Blues," "Me and the Devil Blues" and "Mad, Mad World" in the church.
Wonder how Heretic has "suddenly" become rich, famous and powerful?
He must have gone to the crossroads and have the Devil tuned his life — sealed few good deals with the Big Black Man that guaranteed him fortunes, power and fame.
No way could he have gained so great dark power — to put a bunch in a drunken stupor into parting their hard earned money.
CASH COW — Milking Them Dry
Most of you obliged out of fear of offending a church elder. Using trickeries to mislead the victims to his products' demonstrations is one thing, but to misrepresent and making false claims of the benefits of the gadgets are serious matters.
Hypnotized, you parted your cash so that you feel and look good, and acceptable to him. Your monthly "love offerings" to Heretic helped to fill up his barns.
Not only emptied your pockets, but his dark doctrines cast a long dark shadow that tormented and cursed your life.
Left, Right, and Centre — Gifts and Power Everywhere
Heretic endowed with so many gifts and power, so he claimed:
* Holy Fire * High Truth * River of lives * Rhema Words * Gift of Prophesy * Words of Wisdom * Teaching ministry * Casting out demons * Fortells people's lives * Laughing as a weapon * Anointing to heal cancer * Sanctification by singing * Many, many, many more...
Nowhere in Church's history, at any time, has any man, endowed with so much power and so many gifts, in such a short time. It's soooo amazing. It's soooo...scary! And it's soooo...DANGEROUS!
Have you asked, "Why would God give so much power to one man?" and "What for?"
...so that he could teach the Devil's doctrines and subvert God's authority?
... so that he could topple the leadership, and sell the people's souls to his master, Satan?
...so that he can oppress and intimidate the weak and naive into submission?
Look at the havoc inflicted on the victims: immense pains and massive grief. Some still licking wounds.
You are but one proof of his dictatorial misrule and selective persecution.
Heretic And Devil At The Crossroads
Is it any wonder Heretic sealing a pact for his soul in exchange for a lifetime guarantee of easy money, power, and fame?
They said that Heretic must have waited by the crossroads and gotten his guitar, ehh... sorry, his life fine-tuned.
In 1986 Robert was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Soon, Heretic will be inducted into the Rob and Rule Hall of Shame.
He should well be contented with his posthumous fame. It fits nicely.