"It's all part of the plan...more or less," a popular tagline from Special Agent Oso.
Now Special Agent Sudodo, the Master of Disguise hijacked the plan, turned into evil.
The Name Soo-dodo (Sudodo): How It Came About
Soododo coined from two separate words, soo-do and dodo.
The word pseu·do [soo-do][ˈsjuːdəʊ] means false, counterfeit; fake.
An imposter, pretender, deceiver, cheat – someone in disguise.
Dodo is an extinct, flightless bird. It got its name from the Portuguese name, doudo, meaning 'fool, simpleton' for its apparent stupidity.
The two ideas that define the bird: stupidity and extinction.
Soododo evolves and takes on a new identity: Special Agent Sudodo, the Master of Disguise.
The Story Of Mr. Sudodo
Mr. Sudodo has entered into the twilight of his life. In his late sixties, he is full of zest for life, and a gourmet too. Not ready to surrender or resign to a humdrum existence he is fired up with a ministerial zeal and ambition.
He refused to settle into a life of servitude, and fought boredom by engaging in activities that keep his dreams alive and sparkle.
Popular with the church people who find him 'affable', outgoing and approachable. As a spiritual elder the congregants would seek him for spiritual advice, and also a foodie companion.
He is everything to everyone and they feel comfortable going to him. In fact, he relished his fame and basked in his glory.
Apparently, to his avid fans he would be the ideal candidate befitting the leadership. Droplets of sweat welling up his forehead as Mr. Sudodo waited expectantly for the announcement with bated breath.

But when the beloved vessel said nothing much to him, except, "What you say is very dangerous!" on one rainy evening in October, all that would have changed.
Heretic's dreams came crashing down and disappeared forever...
Laissez-faire & Carte Blanch
After the beloved vessel ascended to heaven on that glorious day, everything took a turn for the worst. The Father's teachings and words of life became irrelevant to him and replaced with dark doctrine.
Mr. Sudodo soon take on the laissez-faire approach – indifference, the practice of noninterference in his the affairs. He does what he likes without any interference from higher-ups.
With this modus operandi, though not the appointed leader, he assumed control.
With this ingenuity of invention he has given himself carte blanche: the freedom, power and authority to say and do whatever he pleases. This pretty much gives him the blank check to wield power in a self-interest way – no responsibility to answer to anyone.
Everything took a new twist and turn.
He was given much kudos for detected and uncovered some critical 'flaws and defects' of the Thin Goat – and he used it to his advantage.
His devotees pamper and elevate him – giving him more credit than he deserves. Not only do they eulogize this populist, they worship him. He gets 'soo' carried away, forgotten the reason of his being.
The Story Of Mr. Sudodo
Mr. Sudodo has entered into the twilight of his life. In his late sixties, he is full of zest for life, and a gourmet too. Not ready to surrender or resign to a humdrum existence he is fired up with a ministerial zeal and ambition.
He refused to settle into a life of servitude, and fought boredom by engaging in activities that keep his dreams alive and sparkle.
Popular with the church people who find him 'affable', outgoing and approachable. As a spiritual elder the congregants would seek him for spiritual advice, and also a foodie companion.
He is everything to everyone and they feel comfortable going to him. In fact, he relished his fame and basked in his glory.
Apparently, to his avid fans he would be the ideal candidate befitting the leadership. Droplets of sweat welling up his forehead as Mr. Sudodo waited expectantly for the announcement with bated breath.
But when the beloved vessel said nothing much to him, except, "What you say is very dangerous!" on one rainy evening in October, all that would have changed.
Heretic's dreams came crashing down and disappeared forever...
Laissez-faire & Carte Blanch
After the beloved vessel ascended to heaven on that glorious day, everything took a turn for the worst. The Father's teachings and words of life became irrelevant to him and replaced with dark doctrine.
Mr. Sudodo soon take on the laissez-faire approach – indifference, the practice of noninterference in his the affairs. He does what he likes without any interference from higher-ups.
With this ingenuity of invention he has given himself carte blanche: the freedom, power and authority to say and do whatever he pleases. This pretty much gives him the blank check to wield power in a self-interest way – no responsibility to answer to anyone.
Everything took a new twist and turn.
He was given much kudos for detected and uncovered some critical 'flaws and defects' of the Thin Goat – and he used it to his advantage.
His devotees pamper and elevate him – giving him more credit than he deserves. Not only do they eulogize this populist, they worship him. He gets 'soo' carried away, forgotten the reason of his being.
A sharp nose that sniffs at anyone that is not in his good book. With a caustic rebuke declaring they've not the truth will send shiver down the spine. Only to find them running faster than the cheetah to his 'truth revival' bible class.
The Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD)
He knows how to make his devotees feel a sense of hope: is to savor some moments of speaking in tongue; to bask in the glory of the wind, singing and laughing – as WMD that will expel the demons.
Everyone that attends and partakes the course enjoys 'breakthroughs' – the singing and dancing allow them to capture the spirit of festivity.
But, alas, the euphoria of success that fuels their excitement soon dissipated. The sky of joy and laughter soon replaced by gloomy clouds.
Thunder rumbles and lightning strikes, then rain starts to pour and flood follows. Superstorm 'Shame Me' causes them to scramble into the 'Titanic' (the heretic), feeling safe. What they did not anticipate would cause them the anguish and agony.
When these dark activities are allow to fester, the 'Spiritual Titanic' hits the iceberg. It sinks faster than you could imagine, bringing down all the 'passengers'.
Eye In The Sky
You may not have taken a ride on the Ferris Wheel (Big Wheel) like the London Eye or The Eye of Malaysia to experience the immense feeling on top of the world. Still, you've been offered a different kind of spinning wheel that makes you feel high, spiritually.
After the spin, the 'Heretic's Wheel' begins to (twist) and turn, everything took a dramatic turn. The eye in the sky (dark teacher) failed to watch over the adherents.
Like the dark teacher, they became soon angry – acted foolishly, and sank into despair. Conditions worsen and situations deteriorated. Mr. Sudodo began to lose their support and loyalty.
Why? And what actually happened?
It All Happened...
In one of the many gastronomic encounters....
The gathering of dark clouds hovering over a cozy corner at Teratai Square was the gathering of the dark forces above.
The plot started with gusto and excitement; with full of anticipation. And Agent Sudodo couldn't stop smiling. His face lighted up – a gentle smile broaden into big grin – beaming from ear to ear.
All seemed according to plan as the campaign gathered momentum.
God knew the end from the beginning.
Everything has its purpose, place and time – for the events to play out.
The Mother Of All Rebelions
With the numbers on his side and the finances, he became embolden, even dare to defy and provoke God, "I have the numbers."
At other occasions Agent Sudodo has the audacity to challenge God and the people, declaring, "Nobody can prove what I say is wrong."
In his line of reasoning, anyone who opposes him is a 'Goat'.
At times he cannot say it directly, so to lend credence to this tag, he uses someone such as his close aides and 'promotors' to give some vestige of credibility.
Riding on his popularity and the numbers with him, he launched a volley of attacks – the 'Rambo style' – stomping every one in its path.
Of all, this is yet the clearest and boldest of a direct revolt. Indeed the Church had never faced a greater threat than this one.
Fall From Grace
God's plan to do good for the people, Satan's Special Agent Sudodo hijacked for evil. No one fights the Father enjoys impunity.
It was the heretic's own doing, after all, caused his fall from grace particularly bruising.
Like a drowning man clutches on straws, soon Special Agent Sudodo, the Master of Disguise will be facing the fate of the dodo bird.