What do you do when a rabid dog rattling its kennel, barking furiously at you?
Shake your head and walk away is definitely not the way to go. Especially, when it barks incessantly for no apparent reason — inside your compound.
You have two choices: Either quietly back off or boldly confront it.
When Silence Is Not Golden
Under such circumstance, to remain silent is no longer a virtue.
If silence is golden; speech is diamond, then we prefer speech anytime.
We realize that we cannot stand by silently as Heretic conspires to sell the people's souls to Satan. If we do not speak out and resist, we're an accomplice.
His conduct reminds us of the saying, Truth is not only violated by falsehood; it may be outraged by silence.
No, we cannot remain silent. It insults our normal sense of decency.
Surely, we cannot allow a ferocious canine running wild in our backyard; violent with infectious virus.
A Raging Bull
While we are at the front gates fighting fire the Heretic and his dark woman are burning the barn at the backyard!
In his messages: full of animated gestures, peppered with hidden meanings, all calculated to cause mental stampede.
With a psychopath it can triggers a mop mentality, with cattle spooked into charging out of control.
Thank God for an obedient leader who took the bull by the horns, winning the lynch mob over.
Misplaced Trust
Trust, is not on demand — it's earned, and comes with responsibility. Sad to say, Heretic misplaced the trust of God and the people.
Imagine, an ingrate with assumed cult status, challenged God and His appointment. He bit more than he could chew.
Heretic blared with pompous shows, proclaimed God his boss — yet he contradicted by rejecting God's teachings and appointment.
He cannot hide his motive anymore. It's a case of sour grapes — one with consuming hunger pursuing a personal vendetta.
Take A Good Look In The Mirror...
Afraid to see the evil image of his master's works staring back at him?
Heretic claims the people under his tutelage is the mirror image of his good works. But his glaring absence to present himself on Friday's testimonies defies belief.
Instead lives cursed: family breakups, freak accidents, lost favors, sicknesses and diseases, and suicidal thoughts.
Wonder why he loves to paint himself into tricky corners?
Furious Phase: "Mad Dog Syndrome"
When an injured dog is cornered, it's either: fight or flight.
Just as it enters into the final phase the infected dog switches on the attack mode. Like a mad dog he barks and attack indiscriminately.
Heretic's bruised ego affected him with a serious medical condition, known as "rabid paralysis" that impedes his thought process that stand the test of sanity.
When A Terminally Sick Dog Has To Put To Sleep
Deciding when to put a sick dog to sleep is never easy for a dog owner. But you had to euthanize (mercy killing) it because you didn’t want to see it suffer any more.
More so, when the dog turns aggressive, erratic emotionally, and terminally ill. Then, it may be time to consider human euthanasia.
The death knell has sounded for the 'sick dog.'
Satan is a sore loser — any dark agent who failed his mission... euthanasia is the only option.
It's a lethal spiritual injection that will put him into good and easy death.
Do The Right and Proper Thing: BEAT IT!
You're so spiteful, you could make babies cry!
You cursed a six years old girl to go to hell.
Your "rein of terror" destroyed many lives — their souls cried out to God for justice. And the people is definitely counting the days.
Enough of the crazy dog 'howling at the moon' as if there is no tomorrow.
Where's the Dog Catcher?
Get out of our sight.
You are not wanted here — hypocrite and souls' snatcher.
Go, get a life... if you still have one.
How clear can it be?