"Please Mr Postman, my address not at the toilet!"
"No! It's not at the Curry House, either..."
Can you imagine: The postman delivers your mail to the mortuary, thinking that's where you live.
Isn't that crazy?
Think about it. Can God be present at the toilet and mortuary?
What Are The Responsibilities Of A Postman?
The main responsibility of a postman is to sort out and deliver mails to the customers. He ensures only the intended recipients get the registered mail.
Above all, he is expected to follow the 4 rules:
1) Reliable, honest and trustworthy in his duties
2) Delivers letters only to the intended recipients
3) Delivers letters to the registered address only
4) Not to open and read the private contents of
letters to others
A Postman's Job: Delivers Letters - Nothing More
But that's not what your popular in-house postman does. He reads the contents of your letter to a class of 500 people - telling Why this person died because she has sinned, and that guy is a goat and another, something else. But on whose authority can the postman confirm all these?
Let's examine how your popular in-house postman has kept the people's trust.
Rule No. 1 - Reliable, honest and trustworthy? -------------------------Yes/No
When your private matter is leaked out to others
Rule No. 2 - Delivers mail to intended recipient? -----------------------Yes/No
When others come to know your personal contents
Rule No. 3 - Delivers mail to registered address of recipient? -------Yes/No
When mails delivered at the toilet, curry house and mortuary
Rule No. 4 - Not to read private contents to others? -------------------Yes/No
Exposing contents of personal matters to a class of 500 people
Did your postman pass the test?
Answer: YES or NO?
Your In-house Postman Doesn't Believe In The Presence Of God
The very fundamental thrust of Christian living is the essence of the presence of God. Without this, it's just a religion or philosophy.
And here we have an in-house postman who doesn't believe it's necessary. And he can minister healing, giving words, prophesying, spiritual counselling, even prayer... without necessarily having the presence of God. Under what spirit is he operating?
Satan was waiting gleefully at his doorstep to receive the many souls handed in with a silver platter.
When a different spirit (of the enemy) infiltrated, the spiritual forces take control of the person. He starts to speak against the works and authority of God without any conscience or fear of God. Satan pumps up his confidence, thinking he was right.
He's embolden to slander and criticize the appointment of God in a frenzy. The intentions become vividly clear... all unfolded for you to see.
The Sheep Know The Voice Of the Father
The Father knows His sheep. And the sheep hear the Voice of the Father.
Climb on the band wagon of the beloved vessel - stay united with the salvation pact.
The key to the kingdom is in the message of salvation - preached by the beloved vessel. It's your assurance of salvation.
Do Not let a very dangerous man, aka Postman, aka Bishop, aka Heretic, aka Dark Instrument lead you by a different voice to his master, Satan's house. Tell him that's not your address!
postman who delivers your mail at the toilet.
He can't deliver your mail at the mortuary... or the
curry house. They're not your registered address.
Your registered address is in the House of God.
SNT Team