Did the murderer and accomplices leave any trail of evidence incriminating them?
What could be the fatal mistake that self destruct?
Where Is The Body?
You can't charge me with murder without a body.
Can someone be convicted without a dead body found?
No murder weapon. No gun recovered at the scene. No spattered blood on carpet. No physical evidence. Can Heretic be convicted?
He can ditch the murder weapon or hide it. Even disposes the mask and gloves he wears.
So, couldn't be a prime suspect because there's lack of evidence, right?
No, we're not talking about physical evidence.
Heretic: We Are Not Guilty of The Murders
Then, what proofs implicate them in the crime?
Can Old Goat & Bald Crow combo claim innocence for lack of evidence?
After all, Old Goat pride himself loving God, always talk about God – and everywhere. Even the waiter complimented he's a godly man!
So what is the basis of proof?
As Christians, biblical truth is our guide.
Listen to this scripture:
Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer... 1 John 3:15.
If a man says, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar... 1 John 4:20.
If the Old Goat truly loves his fellow brethren he wouldn't lie and deceive them – leading to condemnation of their souls.
Surely, Old Goat and Bald Crow wouldn't direct and dictate the brethren to hate the appointed leadership by blaspheming the works of God.
Not enough evidence, so you thought.
Looking For A Smoking Gun?

Envious and bitter for being bypassed, he launched fast and furious attacks to spite God's works and his appointed leadership.
Heretic's threat of God does not want you if they do not attend his bible class scared them. Ignorant and gullible members recruited to pad his numbers to challenge God's legality.
How low could he go to delude and deceive them to serve his personal agenda. His relentless attacks caused a great deal of collateral damage to innumerable victims.
Students under the tutelage of Heretic (Old Goat); his dark knowledge corrupted and defiled their souls. They lost the presence of God.
Spiritual Deaths Everywhere
2 Corinthians 13:1 - Every matter must be established by the testimony
of two or three witnesses.
Stream of witnesses testified...
Confused and despaired. One by one came out on their own volition – with regret and remorse – testified how their lives torn and violated – under his dark influence and dark spell.
Innocent lives cursed by his dark tongue, dark prayers, dark holy fire, dark river of life, dark singing as weapon, and dark manifestations.
He fooled and used them as guinea pigs for his spiritual experiments. Many ended up like spiritual zombies seeking out their next prey.
On records, there were over a hundred victims contemplating suicide. Countless fell casualties to family conflicts, freak accidents, sicknesses, job lost, and flare-ups.
Incriminating evidence abounds that proved Heretic's guilt.
Caught Red Handed Dealing With The Devil
Did Old Goat and Bald Crow resort to fratricide – to usurp power?
You bet. They've signed a contract entering the eternally hot market of soul trading. A mass murder – sending multitude souls to hell.
1John 3:15 - Anyone who hates his brother or sister is a murderer...
John8:44 - You are of your father, the devil...He was a murderer from the beginning...for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Heretic lied he has a prophetic ministry, introduced heresy; a false teacher would not love the sheep – leading the innocent to hell.
And, proven beyond reasonable doubt their criminal intent to sabotage God's end-time purpose – by taking down the appointed leadership in the most despicable way known to the dark world.
There is sufficient evidence to find him and gang guilty of the murders.
Heretic & Gang: Fatal Mistake Fighting God
That's the day he sets the wheels in motion with Bald Crow and the Gang of Four (G4) – decided to attack God's works and appointed leadership.
The 6th Commandment, Thou shall not murder, is explicit – not unjustly take another human's life. To God, murder is not just physical in nature but also the condition of one's heart towards another.
To You Heretic...

Like Judas, you betrayed God and his people.
Did you grieve and feel remorse like Judas for the innocent blood?
Yet, Judas paid the price of wickedness.
The very presence Old Goat, Bald Crow, and G4 is an insult to the peace loving worshippers. They have become such intolerable nuisances that measures must be taken to dismiss them.