No, we received complaints of methane gas leak.
Because sewer or septic gas odor contains methane gas (CH4) there is a risk of an explosion hazard or even...
Killed or make unconscious through inadequate oxygen.
Worse, you could be killed by the stench.
Farts Are Flammable
A typical fart is composed of nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, methane, oxygen and hydrogen sulfide gas. Sulfur is what makes farts stink.
Imagine 10++ years leaked of methane and sulfide gases from a "human septic tank". The built-up is scary and unbearable.
So understand the gas leak in the control room is cause of concern.
King Stinky, The Culprit
Hydrogen sulfide or sewer gas will cause strong foul rotten egg odor.
And, helpers in the control room were assaulted by rotten-egg smell...
Like rattling sound of a machine gun, exploded into offensive stench.
The firing shots came from heretic's rear end.
Unashamely, he declared: "This is to keep you awake." Then proceeded with a clownish laugh.
Just checking in to make sure you aren't addicted to heretic farts lately. For instance…
Thinking heretic's high truth can help you to heaven... by attending his Bible class.
Classic heretic fart.
Or, encouraged by his dark woman to go for heretic's lawless prayer and love offering.
Heretic has been farting that one all over the place.
Or how about…
He can heal cancer.
That's maybe the biggest, stinkiest heretic fart of them all.
Problem is, most members sniff it right up. They even seem to like it!
Smelling Farts Is Good For You
Believe it or not.
Scientists at the University of Exeter believe that the stinky element to our farts – hydrogen sulfide – could be a healthcare hero therapies for a variety of diseases.
They say that a stinky compound found in the smell of rotten eggs and human flatulence may protect against cell damage.
What they are implying: smelling farts could actually prevent cancer, among other diseases.
Now you know why heretic has been farting around - to prove he was right - able to heal cancer.
A Charlatan and Respectable Scoundrel
Doused with rotten egg scent many thinks heretic farts smell like perfume.
Who could have thought of a spiritual elder would cheat the daylight out of you?
A well cover-up footprints even the Nigerian con artists have yet master the tricks.
Magically, 60% fell for his cock-and-bull stories...
That call evil good, and good evil; darkness for light, and light for darkness; bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.
All Isn't Gold That Glitters
Heretic instills in you a sense of insecurity and paints a picture to increase your darkest fear:
> You don't have truth, you'll go to hell
> If you don't attend his Thursday's bible class God doesn't want you
All he wanted was to shore up support the numbers to overthrow the leadership.
Tactics the con artist uses to manipulate his victims and make them feel helpless and play on their sympathies:
> If my children can provide me everyday with breakfast I will be very happy
> In tacit manner implies he was the poorest among the three elders
Did the tactics of manipulation work?
You bet. Long lines queuing up:
> to give love offerings - filling his barns
> invitations to exquisite cuisine
FREE Meals & Hot Air
No wonder the self-important charlatan let loose a fusillade of flatulent pontificating:
> He will be joining the Millionaire Club
> His son will be a CEO in a conglomerate and many will work under him
Amazing, making that grandiose, flatulent broadcast...
Could it be the oft free sumptuous meals by generous souls likely to cause the digestive flatulence - from both ends?
Smell Aromatic Coffee, Not Heretic Farts
Heard the cliche, "When the buying stops, the killing can too"?
When you stop buying into his lies and deceits, the farting can too.
When the desires to sniff his farts end there will be no reason for him to fart anymore (at least to the same audience).
The silent mantra of heretic: Keep on farting.
Your stand should be: Puff off his farts!