who's not in his good book
is destined to go to hell.
Soo-dodo despises, depicts his mother as money face – money obsessed. Would she spared from his curse?
The issue raised serious concerns among the congregants, constantly threatened with hell – saying they've no truth.
More so, when they did not attend his Thursday's Bible class.
An Encounter With Heretic Can Turn Into A Nightmare
Anyone seeks for spiritual advice must be strong to withstand his continuous barrage by just ignoring his stupid, vicious taunts.
Just one encounter will bring shiver down the spines.
Many still flinched, having vivid memory of the cutting acidity in his voice – filled with disdain. They were routinely ridiculed and scorned for not having the truth and will go to hell.
Many has to endure his sarcasm, mocking them with contempts of not attending his bible class, and intimidating them into submission.
The unpleasant experiences of feeling unfairly treated by Heretic's insults and high handed intimidation had wounded the victims' emotion and scarred their souls so bad that will take many rounds of sanctification to restore.
Many likely to suffer from a thousand cuts and will continue to bleed from open wounds.
Why do the people have to put up with his antics?
If you think Heretic insulted the victims publicly – causing strains to family's and church members' relationships – bringing self-condemnation to many, is big news – wait till you hear this...
What Heretic's Mother Got To Do With His Hatred?
Heretic said of his mother: "I was treated badly and blamed for everything." (you can read this post, Why would a son publicly badmouth his mother)
He could not forgive her – disparaged and mocked her on the pulpit! Does she deserve such treatment in public?
What a nasty son.
I remember how the high vessel fought hard through spiritual battles for his mother's salvation. And here, a spiteful son in Heretic – showed contempt for his mother's salvation.
He displayed no honor and mocked her with sarcastic comment. "Huh," he snorted with a wry smile, "That woman can go to heaven?!"
Every one heard this was infuriated, livid with uncontrollable rage.
Did he think that his mother does not deserve heaven?
He has gone beyond all bounds of decency...
- He dared to make fun of his mother's salvation
- He insulted high vessel's intercession for his mother's salvation
- He mocked at heaven's reports of his mother in heaven
- He portrayed God as unrighteous to grant his mother salvation
Under such intense hatred and resentment towards his mother it's anyone's guess if he had wish or told his mother to go to hell.
Here are some clues...
Everyone, Except Him...
One obnoxious statement he made stick out like a sore thumb, "Those who did not attend Thursday's bible class God does not want them!"
What that means...
- The rest 40% did not attend will go to hell.
- Anyone has not his 'high truth' will go to hell.
- Anyone resisted him praying in tongue will go to hell
- Imagine telling a little six years old girl to go to hell
- Prophesying over a dozen 'victims' will die early – presumably, without salvation.
Everyone he dislikes, is hell-bound.
We do not know for sure whether his mother whom he hated so much would be spared.
The mere fact he questioned and mocked his mother's salvation publicly, is food for thought.
So, did he wish or tell his mother to go to hell?
Only he can answer.
Every Son's Desire...
Every loving son would resolve to ascertain their mother's salvation.
Isn't Soo-dodo's desire to pray earnestly for his mother to be saved?
Did he not seek God's forgiveness to grant her grace to enter heaven?
Or, did he secretly wish his mother to go to hell?
Would Soo-dodo See His Mother In Heaven?
How could he mock God, the high vessel, and his mother?
He annoyed and upset the hearers. Many wanted to retaliate.
Yes, skin him alive, he deserves it.
Let's cut him and rub salt to his open wound, add sugar, sprinkle dozens of fire ants. And then roast him in an oven.
He deserves the harshest punishment befitting the crimes. Yes, he deserves Hell.
Oh, but you won't do that, will you? You won't because you are not like Heretic.
Whatever you do, DO NOT do the evil thing.
Judgment belongs to God. Let it be, and let God...