March 16, 2015

The Church Is Not Your Oyster

The Church may look like a big oyster to the Heretic, but he will never get the pearl.

Heretic feels he's unstoppable — thinks he has an especial right to steal the fortunes to seal his dreams. With the numbers, he imagines he can grab the power.

By the tons of evidence the congregants testified against him, yet he still think the Church is his oyster.    

When it's high time for him to leave... he must leave.

"The Whole World Is Your Oyster"

The above is a quote from Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor:

Pistol: Why then the world's mine oyster, Which I with sword will open.

It means: the world is at your disposal; one has to grab the opportunity.

The original implication of the phrase is that Pistol is going to use violent means (sword) to steal his fortune (the pearl one finds in an oyster).

It looks like Heretic took the same path as Pistol — he forces his way with trickery to pry open, to steal the pearl. But, the turn of events caught Heretic with his pants down — God made him eats crow.

Did he ever know that his humiliating defeat will spell his doom?

Heretic, You Can't Eat Your Cake and Have It, Too 

Don't think you can fight God and harm His people, and still get away with it. Don't take the people's civility and gentleness as weaknesses. 

You think you can do whatever you want. You think you can have it all.  You can't. You won't. It's not how it works. 

You think you're entitled to the position just because you're the spiritual leader. Think you deserved it just because you're the biological brother.

The Church is not your oyster. It's not. Get over with it.

Hounds and Hunts Like Wolf After Frightened Sheep

Nothing hurts and pains the victims more than his threats — he made them preys to irrational fear that they will go to hell — left with indelible scars that marred their lives.

In spite of the distress and hardship caused, yet they remained patient. But, there is no guarantee how long it will last.

It's not a secret the angels will set in to flush out the 'militants' hidden inside — 
and put into orbit.

How can we allow a yelling maniac, spitting fire from his mouth — shouting noisy, empty threats at a six years old little girl, to go to hell?

Asylum For The Psychotic

Looks like we need to help him find a new home for the dangerous and mentally sick, so that you're protected from harm.

We can't have a paranoia around; unscrewed and untamed — one that swells with a false opinion of his own value and self importance — kicking up a storm, to exert his authority.

A wacko, bound and shunned, is the best defense.

Heretic, The Church Is Not Your Oyster

It's simple and plain — the loser has to fall.

Should know your time is up...

And it's ticking fast.