April 18, 2012

There's Hope: Father's Sanctification

Know what? According to extrinsic information...

Only 40% will have the hope of salvation. The 60% are playing the fool... while sitting at the feet of a Dark Teacher.

It's the truth

And if you're like most people, you've been contaminated by an unauthorized teacher - learning dark knowledge and accepting false manifestations.

And then you realized you've lost the shines. And you're left wondering why you worked so hard all these years on your Christian walk... you realized you have lost the presence of God.

Your Christian life has been set back many years: you're disheartened and angry. You're depressed, and your hope ruined...

... ruined by the agent of darkness who fight everything the Father established through the beloved vessel. You became a law breaker by following the lawless one - a dark agent who does not care for your salvation, but care only for his own popularity and position.

You found out you've been deceived and cheated by a spiritual con-artist. And you're very angry why you were SOOooo... stupid!

Now, the comforting thing is... it's NOT all your fault. It’s certainly not because you're a "bad Christian". It's because you put your trust on the one who is supposed to be responsible and care for your spiritual growth - but it has been hijacked - by a patronizing character with self-serving interest.

If you had learned to tune your spiritual ears to listen attentively to the warnings of the Spirit - you would not have to suffer spiritual degrading... but all is not lost.

Insincere and self-denial Christians: Outrageous Lies

Don't be like some insincere, self-serving Christians - seemed to be SOOooo... remorseful, and pretended to apologize but will soon turn around to slander and back bite the appointed leader.

In front, they appeared Soo pathetic: cried and apologized, and the next moment they asked you, "What have I done wrong?" (Sound familiar like the Goat, right?).

Some even denied attending, and promoting the dark classes. Self-denial will not change the situation. You're answering to God, NOT man. Why all the pretension?

God is not blind. It's between you and God... for God grant grace to the humble.

Only for those who are sincere and wants to follow God's way... there's still hope.

This is what you're expected to do:

Until you know you have sinned, you cannot have true repentance. And without true repentance you cannot accept the forgiveness of sin. Until you reject the wrong (dark) knowledge, and renounce your involvement in dark practices - you'll not seek the forgiveness of sin.

How's that people can be duped into false belief of dark works? It's because you pampered a dreamer to display counterfeit works of God - giving false words and manifesting false signs and wonders.

Why is it that people believe in the false things yet insist on it? It's because a dark agent is teaching strange doctrines. Dark knowledge is not truth - it's falsehood!

Until you're open up for corrections you will be stuck with falsehood. Until the false is exposed and debunked, you will not see the light of the truth.

It's truth, not self-deception, that will set you free.

You must have realized by now - God is a God of law - He observes protocol. You remember how God taught us in His Word that the appointment of the leader is by God's authorization. He does not encourage lawlessness and hates insubornation.

It's your decision now... there's still hope.

This is what you should do:

All you need to do is submit to God's authority and embrace His program.

In God's sanctification program, you'll discover how you're liberated from the works of the enemy: the removal of darkness, destroying of the spiritual weapons that bind and trouble your life - when you follow through faithfully.

In God's sanctification program:

You will find out...

> It will be easier to trust God
> You will not fight God but at peace with Him
> Your Christian walk will be less of a struggle
> Your entry into heaven is smoother and much assured
> You will experience breakthroughs: spiritually and physically
> Above all, the promise of God realized: "You will be a happy people'"

There's hope: Father's sanctification

All you're required to do is to embrace God's sanctification program.

Focus on doing God's will and purpose - the program He designed for us.

The key to the kingdom is in the message of salvation - preached by the beloved vessel. Stay united with the salvation pact: It's your assurance of salvation.

Hitch on the beloved vessel's band wagon: Fight a good fight, RESIST falsehood.

Can it be any simpler than this?

It's your decision now... there's still hope.

SNT Team