February 23, 2015

When Secrets Of Heart Revealed: The Gift

Going red in the faces – the visit was cut short. Heretic and his "dark woman" were unceremoniously shown the doors. 

Actually, it is easier to see a white crow than seeing the high vessel losing his cool. 

A gift from someone near and dear will surely delight the recipient, right? 

But, when the "dark woman" bearing a gift to the high vessel – she infuriated him.

Reason For Giving Gifts  

There're some people that hold special importance in our lives, and we want to give something special they will appreciate and remember.

We would take time to pick a meaningful gift after giving much thought.

Need to know there're protocol and etiquette to observe on gift giving.

Yes, you want to give appropriate gifts that add joy and delight to the receiver. Surely, you would not want to give gifts that will offend them, right?

Gift As Communication   

So, when you give a gift to someone, what you are actually doing is speaking to them.

You choose a gift that says something to the receiver – and if they are perceptive, they understand your message.

When you choose a gift you would ask, "What do I want to say to this person?" Then to, "What can I give them that will communicate this."

A gift may not be necessarily expensive, so long it is well meaning.

After all, it's the right intention that matters, right?

As always, the high vessel would not say or do anything without first pray, and consult the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes, a visual image can convey an idea or emotion effectively.

Let's See What These Symbols Say 

The gift picture (with three elements) of the dark woman shows a boy bending over, holding a balloon, and a standalone pin.  

         A Sharp Pin                             Inflated Balloon                 A Baby Bending Over

  • Inflated Balloon: Inflated Ego 
  • A Sharp Pin: To burst your ego
  • A Boy Bending Over: Be made humble 

The dark woman bearing a gift with a subliminal message well hidden in the picture – imperceptible to the untrained eyes – having a concealed evil intention – to deride and ridicule the high vessel.

The Hidden Message 

The gift has the husband's blessings – Heretic okayed the message. 

How in the world would someone close and dear give a gift that's so childish unless there's some hidden motive.

It becomes crystal clear that the whole idea and intention was to insinuate the high vessel: "Don't think you're so great. If you're not careful (we) will burst your ego, and humble you."

It reminds us of the phrase, "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts" – a warning to the Trojans not to accept the Trojan horse the Greeks left. 

Beware of your enemies even if they treat you nice.

Do Not Judge A Book By Its Cover

A picture may tells a thousand words, but can never know people's hearts – they can change.

They that eat from your hands can sometimes bite you.

God shows them much love through His high vessel – by providing love offerings and their children's uni education – yet Heretic and his dark woman repay with spite and ingratitude.

The secrets of their hearts revealed a more sinister motive behind the picture.

Secrets Revealed: A Picture Tells A Thousand Words

Who could have thought the close kins would insinuate and insult God's vessel in hidden message, with well concealed evil meaning – wrapped up in a gift?

Every misdeed started small and innocuous. Fatal, if left unchecked. 

That one small spark ignored, among many: Fired off into a rebellion.

In life, there's no pause button, no rewind, and definitely, no replay.