You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow and regret from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building a nest in your hair.
Are You Being Deceived?
Anyone being insulted or embarrassed would feel the painful sting. At least you're aware of what's going on.
But deception can be deadly because you don't realize you are being betrayed, misled, seduced or ensnared. It's much more than some mumbo-jumbo that leaves you disoriented and in utter delusion.
Deceived people are not even aware they're being misled unless they're confronted with the truth. Tragically, many go to their graves deceived about their relationship with God – thinking they're on the way to heaven.
Achieving The Common Goal
What more than the House of God that we should be disciplined – subordinate to the appointed leadership – supporting and working towards the common goal.
That's how it works, otherwise it will be torn into a thousand pieces. As the 'bishop' he should know better than to speak evil and scorn at the works of God. It will only bring odium upon himself for the lack of self restrain and discipline.
Responsible Spiritual Leader
False doctrine holds people in bondage to deception by perverting God's truth and grace. Yet, the 'Postman' finds it proper to introduce new and strange doctrines and signs – to gravitate the gullible to himself – for self-interest.
Let there be no doubt: the people have finally woken.
The people have spoken loud and clear:
> " We want nothing less than the pure truth"
> "We do not want self-serving character with personal agenda"
We Have To Believe
We have to believe that our people can now think for themselves – and do the right thing – to safeguard their salvation.
We would have to believe the people understand the crafty schemes designed to thwart God's purpose with the evil intent to shame the Father.
We would have to believe the people know what is important to all of us is to have good leadership – and do away with the evil, tainted, abusive and arrogant ones that have plagued us for so long.
We are to believe that you will choose good over evil.
We are to believe you will choose righteousness over lawlessness.
We are to believe also you will choose God's truth over Satan's lies.
Anything Else...
Anything else and we will have spiritual criminals to oppress and abuse the people, false doctrines, false signs, and a tainted postman whose loyalty to God is questionable.
Anything else and we will have the dark instrument rob you of God's blessings and His purpose for your life.
Anything else and we will have Goats of different species preying on the innocent; the sons of wickedness and doors of doom – that will rebel and cause the church to split.
Anything else and we will have the Gang of Four and Gang of Six seduce you to Satan's den.
Anything else will simply mean voluntarily putting your soul in the Devil's hands – surely a pain worse than death.
Time For Reflection
Reflect on how dark knowledge and false doctrine oppressed and abused the people. And now, reflect on how sound doctrine and sanctification bring about deliverance to your life.
We must salute the courage of the appointed leader for obeying God. He could have kept silent on the matter – for the expediency of maintaining peace. But decided to do the right thing – by exposing the truth about Heretic's diabolical device that will drag all of us to hell.
Decide on the right choice of the Father. Climb on the band wagon of the beloved vessel in the salvation pact: the key to the kingdom is in the message of the salvation plan.
Those who claim otherwise could be living in a state of self denial, selectively rejecting words that prick their conscience.
They could choose to defend he's in the right and remain ignorance. Only to the minds of the delusional and paranoid, thinking everyone is a threat to his "ministry".
Let the dark instrument and cohorts be warned:
"There is a time for everything under the sun."