June 21, 2014

How To Get Rid Of The Menacing Crows For Good

Have you been dive-bombed by a crow?

Crow. That’s right. Crow.

More people have become victims of crow attacks. And, you are not alone...

The good news: The guilty 'Crow Couple' has been identified and arrested for assault.

No, it's not the ones targeted by the Klang municipal Council (MPK) in a crackdown to control the voracious birds population. 

It's the other species...

... the more cunning and crafty ones.

Crows Are Crows.

They never stop 'talking'  noisy and irritating to most people.
Their presence is an eyesore.

Toyota Camry covered in bird poop
Like the machine gun calls to each other; they crap everywhere. Poo here, poo there, and everywhere: on cars, house and now they're even attacking people!

If you are a animal lover, more specifically a crow lover  the cawing crows may sound melodious to you. Cool, enjoy the fun with the crow songs.

Sadly, many, after listening to the crow songs, their lives turned topsy-turvy. 

It All Begins With The First Bite

Any angler will tell you, if you got no bite, you ain't catch no fish. Unless you use a tantalizing bait to lure the hungry fish it will not bite.

Coincidentally, the Klang Crow is also a fishing enthusiast. So, he knows some tricks to lure fishes.  Guess what? He employs trickery to bait the gullible souls into his nefarious ploy.

It all begins with the first bite  his bullshits!

Both the Crows Couple spew lies: first, to confuse the people by launching a stinging attack on the leadership; then the vicious attacks on God's words and works; and finally on the credibility of God.

Many took the bite. Soon half the house was Infested, plaguing them with crow disease... driving their lives up the wall.

The stench of droppings from the Crows Couple become offensively unbearable. 

Sucked into a cesspool of iniquity they were haunted with the fear of losing their salvation.

You are not alone. Like many, the crows have become real menaces to your peace and threatened your well-being.

Then you need help!

One Solution: Ready, Aim, Fire!

You got a spark of life from the crow-shooting spree by the Klang municipal council as a viable solution. 

Wait a minute. Shooting crows is allowed only with a permit from your local authority. 

But to shoot the man-crow or woman-crow is not encouraged. It will land you with some lowlife as cell mates you will regret eternally.

Crows stealing food, prying open bins and messing garbage are real annoyance. What more with the Crows Couple   stealing your soul?

The Klang Crows Couple has been identified and found guilty of assault on the victims' lives  conspiring to pervert their spiritual identity.

One solution is to get ready, aim, and... Fireworks! 

Because we are going to celebrate –  kicking butt out of them.

Crow Away CD

An innovative product though, it claims the music is soothing to human ears but annoying to the crows! 

Crow Be Gone:  A peaceful and least destructive way of getting rid of crows ;-))

It also claims it can keep almost all kinds of crows away whether they are American Crows, Carrions, Australian Ravens, Rooks, Magpies, Fish Crows or Hooded crows, among others.

Wonder why it never mention about Klang Crows Couple? They are so stubborn  even though caught and proven guilty of mass murders yet have the audacity refusing to Crow Away.

On second though why not give the Crow Away CD a try.

It may be the right time to boot out the Crows Couple Menace into...

...the Land of Nowhere  one scary neighborhood.