July 23, 2014

The Fatal Attraction Gone Wrong

Has he gone insane? The Mad Hatter's insatiable drive for power and 'love' gone awry – triggering uncontrollable fits of anger...ruining lives beyond recognition.

What is worse than committing a heinous crime  an attempt mass murder  leading over 500 souls to hell?

Love in Disguise

Affairs are like heists gone wrong.

The sweet attraction towards the 'spiritual leader' started well with hunger for spiritual food but soon, as epicureans craving for gourmet.

Vulnerable people are at risk of being exploited by the sociopath masquerades as lovable spiritual figure.

No one could see the disguised love in display – is nothing more than a charade. The truth is it's just the lies he tells over time. 

This "lusts of deceit," seduces and ensnares under false pretensions.

Once the initial attraction of Heretic's charm and fun faded his mask started to peel off. Sweet love like morning dew soon disappeared.

Sleeping Beauties Awaken

Shocked, as they watched the monster rears its ugly head exposing its devilish intention. They felt cheated and deceived – manipulated to serve his interests.

Hopes shattered  their affairs turned bad like being double-crossed in a heist.

Why did it happen?

Not rocket science: The leadership position he coveted slipped away from him. In moment of deep bitterness his reason wavered – jealousy stirred him.

Every truth and moral principle flew out of the windows.

Deathly Attacks

Sensing grim prospect of gaining control of the office he orchestrated character assassinations on God's appointed leadership.

For the lust of position  lifetime friendships forged by goodwill destroyed by irresponsible words laced with toxic – an assault lethal weapon. 

No one could escape his heavy artillery bombardments. They endured his verbal diatribes and tolerated his spiritual abuses.

Shocking reports of casualties from collateral damage: colossal. Many still licking wounds and struggle to get on with their lives from the nightmarish ordeal.

Why a Spiritual Leader So Obsessed...

...inflicting fear and misery to the people he supposed to love and care?

One simple reason: he never get close to be loved because the people awaken to his professed love: duplicity and hypocrisy.

They shunned a charlatan obsessed with deceitful lusts – tainted with lust of power, lust of money, lust of pleasure, envy, slander, arrogance, perverted moral...

Caught up in his fatal attraction syndrome (fake love for God's people for selfish interests) the victims suffered irreparable scars to their spirit, soul and body.

Only a sadistic enjoys hurting his victims, deriving pleasure from their sufferings. 

Guilty As Charged

The enemy strikes fear in the camp. Confusion reigns. The affliction of distress was so overwhelming, drowning cries of despairs.

Diagnosis done, however, did not qualify him for a "not guilty by reason of insanity" verdict.

It's not simply putting up a pathetic excuse to defend a major fatal crime – so deathly to swallow up souls. The Crow Couple should've known better.

In covert conspiracy they worked hand-in-glove with Old Goat. How the hidden agenda, well crafted to wrest power in shrouded secrecy, finally uncovered.

Clandestine Plots

So when the cat was out of the bag he endeavored to foment discord and propagate discontent against the leadership.

Imbued with teachings of heresy to demented underlings to act at his warped bidding with intent to rebel.

Yet his lackeys (crow couple) live in total denial defending the immorally indefensible relative.

With pretension and exploitation they disapproved others seeking the truth.

Clutching illusions of grandeur they continued to feed and breed an army of spiritual zombies to serve their evil designs.

When view the entire scenario it's crystal clear as day. His goal: To nurture foul intentions to overthrow God's appointed leadership.

But, more subtle, the real intent: To destroy God's Church and His purpose.

They Are Dangerous! That's Why

The enemy breached the line of defense and penetrated the Church. Swarms of dark forces descended upon the people, leaving terrible mess in their wake.

 Now you know why keep harping on the Old Goat and his sidekicks the Crow Couple.

Because we have to – because we can't imagine not doing it – then there may be hope for us yet.

The Trap: Delusions of Grandeur

Flexing spiritual muscles as a show of superiority – to project a false impression of self importance – an exclusive sport he enjoys.

He claimed to manifest power on demand: River of life, Holy fire, Wind of God, Rhema Words, High truth, etc. – to endear the people to him.

The gullible were taken in by his impressive prominence. Lots wanted to warm up to him to receive the blessings.

When the spirit of delusion permeates their souls, the victims could not resist the lures and attractions of his dark practices.

They've fallen into a trap of wanting so much for something to be true that they believe they were true.

When the gravity of the mistakes became obvious, the aggrieved realized they were being manipulated in his Machiavellian plot.

The Sobering Reality...

No one talks about it.

The evil truth no one wants to admit the manifestations were false.

How could they? They were hyponitized in a systematic way for such long periods until they've lost their sense of reality.

Not only that...

They've lost the Holy Spirit.

Why His Higher Truths Don't Matter

Because he claimed inspirations of higher truths they were drawn to him.

How could it be when he denied the presence of Holy Spirit?

Pray tell, where did he receive the high truths?

You get the picture?

If the people ended up in hell, it doesn't matter how high his truths were.

It's a case of wicked attraction of a murderous monster that led the people to mass destruction.

When God put his foot down – Heretic was trapped in the corner and checkmated. The master of deception failed miserably.  

From Fatal Attraction To Fatal Destruction

The stake was high and a checkmate means Heretic has to check out.

Satan is sore loser. He will never accept defeat  failure is not an option. 

Any one that failed him will end in fatal destruction...

...a terrible way to be used by the Devil.