Enough is enough. All has to end.
The time we were waiting for has finally arrived... to
tame the rampaging bull in
the china shop from further damage.
Indifference To Other People's Pains...
What magical spell has the heretic cast on the 500 attendees that they hold him in high esteem – after shouting down on them to "be stupid" and "you will go to hell", they even gave him a standing ovation?
This is really mind boggling!
He shows a stunning lack of concern, with no sense of guilt, or feel sorry for the ensuing pains inflicted on the victims.
How could a devil in disguise humiliate a whole bunch and thereafter earned their respect, honor and praise, albeit blindly?
It could only be one simple reason...
The Dark Instrument (DI) saw their naivety and eagerness to learn as an opportunity to turn them into a subservient tribe that will play right into his plan.
Unknown to the recruits of DI's ambition to wrest control over the
leadership they become pawns in his power play.
The heretic charms his fans with sweet nothings, spikes with half truth, and they soon fall under his hypnotic power. The rest, is history.
The heretic charms his fans with sweet nothings, spikes with half truth, and they soon fall under his hypnotic power. The rest, is history.
More Shocking Snake Charming
The manners that charmed the sweet innocent into
receiving with open hearts are too irresistible. He takes great pleasure in
delighting them with his spiritual exploits: an experience guaranteed to amuse
their itching ears but went home bemused with more questions.
Like a celebrity who fascinates his fans, his words
are pure gold that beguile the less discerning ones, being hypnotically
One will be forgiven for the bewilderment when you
hear him croons worldly songs in God's house. But there's something strangely
alluring about his singing that captivates his aficionados to sing along,
oblivious they had violated and abused the very place of God.
Adds insult to injury: flipping his dark tongue in
an unknown language, bewitching his audience with dark miracles, and holding
captive souls of his devotees for his master, Satan.
To top it all, he marshals a bunch of zealots (the crows couple) to
mock God's works; deceived and manipulated by a psychopath with a stunning lack
of conscience, they soon found out, too late, his game of self-gratification at
other people's expense.
Fools, Freeloader, Laughing To The Bank
True to his name as freeloader: enjoying a month
long marathon birthday treats from a long list of suckers queuing eagerly for
their turn. Unless you're prepared to lavish him with sumptuous gourmet meals
you're not necessarily guaranteed a place in his selective booking list.
Wonder why the need to pay exorbitant prices for gadgets to do some simple chores when cheaper ones will do? Many could not refuse, succumbed to pressure; obliged to buy his gadgets, only to regret later.
Shocking! Promoting Big-ticket items at premium prices to wage earners, even ordinary housewives, which would cost them an arm and a leg. Have a strong heart? ...he and his dark woman promote their wares in the very house of God!
Encouraging some to take up bank loan to finance their purchases is simply outrageous. Surely, one can do better than a snake oil salesman in an ethical way to achieve one's ambition. Why such hurry to get rich?
Greed takes over for unjust gains when fools give love offerings blindly in lawlessness. Sponging off the gullible – laughing to the bank – he simply smiles in amusement at the fools' ignorance.
Intimidating Into Submission And Subservience
What once a charming, amusing and entertaining person soon turned into a notorious predator haunting our everyday lives at work, at home, and in relationships -- leaving a wake of ruined lives behind.
He would cowed the naive like frightened rabbits cornered by a fox.
They're kept behind a veil of ignorance, and this creates a climate of fear of the unknown in them.
With a loud shout that they have no truth and will go to hell would trigger his devotees scampering off like puppies to the Thursday's bible class.
It was done to instill fear to get them to submit and comply to his
self-serving plan. All was done to get enough numbers to his side to challenge God's chosen leader.
By a tactical manoeuvre taught by his master, Satan, the heretic won over the simpletons to slam-dung the unaffected ones, and the Elder, saying: those not
attending Thursday's bible study God does not want them!
When Suicide Can Be Attractive
Repeatedly, the heretic condemned the attendees to hell until they cringed in fear of losing their salvation.
Many suffered turbulent emotions and untold damages to their souls in the aftermath of his manipulative scheming.
They lost their spiritual senses and bearings; confused and disorientated by his dark teachings: existing like zombies, and having no control over their lives any more.
Distressed; tormented with pain, agony and shame, leaving with scared memories. How would you expect victims of the souls’ tormentor to do after endured years of inner turmoil?
Contemplating suicide was the only option.
It’s not that they want to die, necessarily. They just want the pain to stop, and killing themselves seems like the only way.
The anguished mind of a suicidal person interprets the end of consciousness as the only way to end the suffering. And many people wanted to end their own suffering.
Imagine, the many souls would have been lost because of one ambitious man's (or beast?) insatiable lust for power and dominance.
The Three Gates To Hell: Lust, Anger And Greed
History has proven: Charlatans in their greed will exploit you with false words. "And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you..." 2 Peter2:3
Whether promoting his expensive gadgets or deluding God's people
he does not feel the pains of the 'victims' so long
he gets what he wanted. Such humbug should not
be allowed to go unchallenged.
Now we see and understand why the heretic spurns at God's truth and mocks at the works of sanctification to deflect his evil scheming. Ps. 10:3 - "the greedy man curses and spurns God"
In his haste to be number one he manifested:
Lust for power and dominion
Angry with those not in his good book
Greed for wealth, power and food
Can You See Why The Heretic Must Fall?
...for restoration to start.
He is the hindrance to our breakthrough. With his own declaration: because the thin Goat is still around God cannot work.
Exactly. Now you realize he is the one sitting on our blessings.
The heretic must fail for recovery to begin.
He must fall for restoration to take its course...
And it's already happening...
One by one has recovered from the hypnotic power.
The works of restoration has already begun.
Because he has failed in his attempt in the rebellion...
And because the crown jewel of Satan has fallen from grace,
like the evil master he serves...
The works of sanctification will continue to be more intense.
Remember The Promises Of God
The gates of hell shall not prevail against His
Those rebel against His Church will be removed from the surface of the earth
He will make us happy people
Not wise for anyone to throw a spanner into God's
they'll get hurt – pretty bad.
they'll get hurt – pretty bad.
Heretic has fallen...
...down the rabbit hole.
...down the rabbit hole.