December 18, 2014


Echoes from heaven…
The gift of life we’re given
There’s hope of sins forgiven
In His holy presence

Memories are like threads of gold
Our beloved vessel in his role
Fulfils God’s mission and goal
Ascends to heaven his soul

A man of Chinese descent
Many could not comprehend
From the East God has sent
His Word and work to tend

Taught Father, our true Savior
Unkindness assails him suffers
Pleasing Father is what matters
Victory won in his Son's favor

Fighting Satan the priority
Keeping our faith till eternity
Deliverance in God’s mercy
Leaving with us his legacy

Satan and kingdom destroyed
By weapons God employed
Devil in fury and annoyed
With the liberty we enjoyed

The way to God’s salvation
In truth our lives fashion
Always, and in all seasons
God be our only reason

Law of God we are told
By beloved vessel to hold
Fighting rebels must be bold
His law will keep our souls

Wise as serpent, gentle as dove
Work with God, hand in glove
Deceive not by high sounding love
Salvation comes only from above

Now remains you and me
If truth we’re going to see
Protocol is the way to be
From darkness we’re set free

Accept Elder as God’s choice
Submit to the Father’s voice
Fall not into Satan’s ploys
Its evil attempts we must foil

Many moons come and pass
Elder dedicates to God’s tasks
Some still make a fuss
God will strip their masks

Echoes from heaven…
Battles will spill to open
Heretic with cunning raven
Plotting from secret cavern

Rapacious and treacherous
Words spice up venomous
A man God labels dangerous
Vicious, hungry to be famous

Dangerous, cold, and bold
Satan’s partner we were told
For solid gold, his life sold
A promise of important role

Seduced by Satan in its scheme
Turning evil, green, and mean
Ready to start a new regime
Regards his truth so supreme

Time to make your stand
Stand up all levels and ranks
Final contest in now at hand
Surely raven is not your band

God’s whole salvation plan
Claiming is in their hands
Old Goat and Crow in prank?
Surely liquor must have drank


Quarrel till cows come home
Wrangle till the mouths foam
Nothing changed till the tomb
Repent, not moan and groan

Fools don’t play by the rule
Betrayed as Satan’s tools
Led like cows they moo…
Leaving trails of stinky poo

We're not in Heretic's numbers
With living souls he gambles
In God’s works he hampers
Time comes he will tremble

I stand firm on my ground
Till they're driven out of town
I am not sway by their sound
Trumpeting like silly clowns

Enter into the pearly gate
Hall of Truth you can’t fake
God will show all your mistakes
Pleading won’t change your fate

Lift high not your proud head
Your life is hanging by a thread
Kicking alive, next you’re dead
Meeting your maker you dread

Heaven: Goats & Crows not allowed
They can protest and shout aloud
Say they don’t know what’s all about
Justice denies entry for the proud

Escape not with impunity
Traitors have no immunity
With God in bitter enmity
Disgrace with no dignity

Words of God will not fail
Gates of hell will not prevail
Reveal all evil deeds in detail
Such will be the final nail…

Indeed high vessel is Godsend
Works and words we’re content
Law of God he would not bend…
Truly, Friends of God are his friends 

Hear the echoes from heaven…
Reject dark knowledge, and relearn
From a make-believe world, return
Life in this world is only a sojourn