November 28, 2014

Lust for Money & Fame, Caught In Scandal & Shame

Clandestine meetings where Satan dwell 
Conspiring in the darkest chamber of hell 
Promise of filthy lucre, soul ready to sell
Secret projects kept under wraps so well                                                                        
Nothing in secret that cannot be found
He can dance and he may clown
When God reveals, his chips are down
The silence proves he’s no legal ground

Animals are easier than men to tame
They don’t play the deceiving game
Evil men lust for money and fame
Caught with scandal and shame

Piling up to heaven are heaps of testimony   
Of dark high truth he speaks so brazenly
Horrors in his blood filled with dark fantasy
Viciously jealous of Elder he incites anarchy

A hired gun riding on Calvary horse
Leading spiritual babies out off course
Causing souls to fall under spell and curse
Putting the masses under destructive force

Hard-core fools still hanging on to fight
Blind; they've lost their spiritual sight
Old Goat can run but he cannot hide
He’ll be stripped naked and put to flight 

A hireling with a mock key, faking Moses
Conspires with Crow to steal; God disposes
Might as well count your spiritual losses
Come on, wake up and smell the roses

Nothing happened yet, so you're embolden
To your evil master, Satan, you're beholden 
Blink your eyes, counting up to seven
Touch your heart and look up into heaven                                                                     
Tell God that His words are just not true 
Come what may, you will break His rules 
What's looming, the Old Goat has no clue 
Scheming for his master like a blurry fool

bible-devilReally, there's no pleasure watching you fall 
Though we've longed now to settle the score
With you there’s no time to get into a brawl
It's like beating our heads against the wall                                                                         
The justice of time is really not for us to say
No matter how tempting, crime doesn't pay
With patient and trust we quietly pray
Know that every evil goat will have its day

Not all the seasons can fly high 
A time to laugh and a time to cry
A time to live and a time to die                     When eyes are closed, know why                             
Be not overconfident of your strategy
Hopelessly devoid of any decency
Stopped in the track with tragedy
By then it wouldn't be so funny

Man Shaking in Fear clipart

When the last curtain falls; a final goodbye
You can scream you are not ready to die
Begging to return to good you may try
Your sob story God's not going to buy

You plead to give you one last call
On bended knees you cry and crawl
But watch out when the hammer falls
A silence so loud you can’t feel at all

SNT Team