March 24, 2012

Winning The Race : Continuity

In a relay race the success of the team lies in the passing of the baton from one runner to the next without dropping it.

The success of God's will and purpose depends on the succeeding leadership.

Dropping the baton can cause a team to slow down, or disqualified.
Not only that. When you passed the baton to the wrong hand (Impossible? - if only you run on the wrong lane!), you would be disqualified as well. All the preparation, hope and dream will  simply go down the drain.

It is therefore crucial to pass it on to the next appointed leadership responsible to continue to the fulfilment of God's will and purpose.

The Exchange Zone: The Law of God

In any game there are rules to observe. This is fundamental so that they can be played fairly. You can’t be changing goal posts at your own whim and fancy, can you?

In a relay race too the exchange zone is the only place where the baton can pass from one runner to the next. Exchanging the baton outside the 20 meter zone, the team is disqualified.

We liken the exchange zone in the marked tracks as The Law of God.

God is the God of Law and He will not do anything outside His Law. And this is the God we are worshiping. Get this basic fundamental right.

God appointed the Elder to continue the responsibility of fulfilling His will and purpose; the baton was passed inside the exchange zone. It was done according to the Law.

So, when God pointed to Prophet Samuel it was David, not his other brothers, was the one He had picked. Prophet Samuel had to obey inspite of the protests from the other siblings. David was anointed by the Lord, through the prophet Samuel, to be the next king.

This is the way of God

Likewise, God through His prophet and anointed beloved vessel, appointed the Elder with specific words and instructions: "Be Strong. Do God's Will."

It was God who picked the Elder as His choice. And this was done in accordance to protocol - the established code of procedure of God.

As true believers we should trust and accept God's choice, and give our undivided support to help fulfill God's purpose. We run to finish the race, winning as a team.

It is imperative we accept God's appointed leader, and follow God's specific program. We must stay focus and not be distracted by any other activities not directed by the Father.

Remember, supporting the one leader God appointed is to stand for God. We must learn how to trust God for He knows what He is doing.

How A Team Can Be Disqualified

A team will only be recognized as legitimate winner when run according to the rules of the race.

When an athlete commits a violation in a race, all persons from the offending team in that race shall be disqualified. Imagine, how your hope of winning the race (salvation) will vaporize by one 'runner' commits a flagrant foul.

Running ViolationsNot adhering to the rules of legal running can result in athlete disqualification during competition. Likewise, not adhering to the Law of God will disqualify you from heaven.
  • A runner does not start and finish within the assigned lane            You can disqualify from the race by not following God's Law
  • A runner makes a second false start                                                Don't gamble. You may not have a second chance
  • Obstructs, impedes or interferes with another runner's progress    Don't obstruct your brethren spiritual life with lawlessness

 Do Due Diligence And Not Be Tempted To Run An Illegal Race.

Winning The Race: Continuity
                                                                                                                  The team that completes and passes legally and successfully, and has its last runner crosses the finishing line first, wins the race.

It is that important in order to win (salvation) we must have the baton passed legally and successfully. It is the responsibility of all runners (You and Me) to adhere to the rule or the Law of God: the Protocol.

We must continue Father's legacy through the beloved vessel, legally.

It is now up to you as runner, to run and finish the race, successfully.



SNT Team