Same Book But Never The Same Page

I tell you a poignant story
How one stole God’s glory
And ensnared many in a dreary affair
This very day four years ago
There was a man with a BIG ego
With a dream that the church is his oyster
Not knowing one day he will end up in a toaster
A very dangerous man is he
A recruit of the Devil he would be
All he wants; money, power and fame
Surrendering his soul to burn in flame
He’s not worth a second glance
Even you’ve a golden chance
After all he has put you through
He’s not a friend that stays true
So unhappy for so long
Where did you go wrong?
Only to listen to his dark heresy
Promise a life of eternal ecstasy
Look back and what can you see?
A life of misery, like a fallen tree
He’s got your back on the wall
Leaving you dead on the floor
Stay far from a man without shame
It’s time not to play this silly game
How long must you suffer to learn the lesson?
To wake up from another that commit treason?
Look at the mess of your life he’s made
Avoid that creature, for God’s sake
It bothers me when you called Heretic your friend
One who tries to steal your soul; he’s indeed a fiend
Wonder you’re the hammer or the nail
Fight that monster and not turn tail
Remember God’s enemy is our enemy
Serving the devil he sealed his own destiny
The downfall of Heretic: proffer his soul for hire
He does not know the danger in starting a fire
Though of the same book but never the same page
The legal basis of his crime has reach the final stage
The day to remember: March Eleven
When God looks down from heaven
March Eleven, God crushed the rebellion
Exposed Satan’s evil scheme and ambition
Heretic’s dream – dead and buried
Got the crow-couple scared and worried
They’ve overstayed their welcome; got it all wrong
No one will shed a tear when they’re gone