My Soul is a Private Property |
The few cohorts believe the special package deal is their Godsend inheritance which must be possessed by any means—lawfully or not.
What seems to be a simple proposition to a real estate transaction turns sour with the murder of…
Naboth, because of his refusal to sell his land
Long story short. King Ahab desirous of Noboth’s prime land, an inheritance Noboth refuses to sell, “The Lord forbids I should give the inheritance of my fathers to you!” –1 Kings 21: 1-3.
His wife, Jezebel with their cohorts plotted and impugned Noboth for infuriating God and the king. He was murdered.
That's not all; they are brazen, rash and ruthless—artful and unprincipled liars.
What’s this got to do with you?
The truth is, someone out there is after your land, the inheritance—your salvation!
If you’re not careful you can lose it.
Naboth (fruits of the anointing) fought tooth and nail to keep his inheritance (salvation). He just wouldn’t want to sell it for any price, however tempting were the offers, even from the King Ahab (agent of Satan).
Likewise, your land is under siege!
Make sure you keep your land title under tight security—not to let any real estate agent or rather real Satan’s agent to deceive you in parting with it.
Willing Seller, Willing Buyer Principle
Business transactions are governed by the willing seller, willing buyer principle.
A Simple Definition:
The value of an asset, under the assumption it is sold to a willing buyer by a willing seller, under normal conditions, neither being obliged to buy or sell and both having reasonable knowledge of the relevant facts to make a rational decision and free of undue pressure to trade.
Don’t be naïve. We’re not living in a perfect world—what you see is not what you get. Make a distinction between a Raw Deal and a Real Deal.
And guess what?
Remember King Ahab’s (Satan’s agent) attractive offer? – “Give me your vineyard … and for it I will give you a vineyard better than it …” 1 Kings 21:2
Don’t Be Fooled!
THINK, with your eyes wide open—Can Satan offer you a better Salvation Plan than the one you already had from the Father?
Don’t Be Deceived!
To sweeten the deal, Satan’s real estate agents can promise you like King Ahab. But wait a minute… Look at the fine prints…and don’t forget the ’Jezebel factor.’
Wait, there’s more…
Especially, out of the blue they’re extraordinary nice to you, and will probably invite you to a dinner; afterall it’s holiday season, right?
What it means is this, “There ain’t no free lunch... or dinner.”
You’re The Keeper Of Your Land
Understand your rights as a ‘land owner’—your salvation.
1. Normal condition – neither party is obliged to buy or sell — you’re your own man or woman, no one can or should influence you.
2. Having reasonable knowledge of the relevant facts — Find out more to make a rational / informed decision.
3. Free of undue pressure to trade – Don’t be pressured to switch to the new ‘better package deal’ offer. Look before you dive into a swimming pool … without water!
Beware of the Land Grabbers
Hold dear to your inheritance — your salvation.
Be bold like Naboth; speak directly at the faces of Satan’s agents, “I will not give thee the inheritance of my father.”
Last but not the least, read 1 Kings 21,,, especially 17-24 — God pronounces judgment upon Ahab and Jezebel.
Not that we revel in the misfortune of the land grabbers and supporters, but more so of God’s words, “The gates of hell shall not prevail against it,” and "Any who try to sabotage God's end time plan will be wiped out of the surface of the earth" become our assurance.
Moral of the Story
2. Not only the Land Grabber, but those complicit to the evil plot
will also suffer the same consequences.
Don't sell your soul.
So when you see the land grabbers, you gotta...
Run, run, run.