Stop! You are about to hear the greatest story...
I will tell you the story of two silly clowns,
They work in a circus that came through town.
Day in, day out; they live their lives as jokers,
Fulltime trading souls for Satan as brokers.
They mock and scoff at the Elder all day long,
Pretend what they did was nothing wrong.
Ministry of scolding people, he's no stranger.
The other, when every time he told a joke,
Folks sighed as if their hearts were broke.
Two relatives work hand-in-glove in mischief,
Trading souls for Satan with reward as chief.
Crow joker thinks he's like the funny bone,
An old goat and a black crow got into fusion,
No wonder truth is stranger than fiction.
The combo goat and crow work in unison,
T'is the fourth season they commit treason.
They played the game of death like fun,
Not knowing the extend of evil they've done.
The crow leads victims to goat to impress,
Soon, one by one ends up so oppressed.
Compulsive lying is a real problem for many.
Old goat and black crow cover up crimes,
Turning them into favorite nursery rhymes.
With lies in pursuit of financial gain,
They ignore the victims' sorrow and pain.
They operate behind a shroud of secrecy,
To dominate and control in conspiracy.
His heart as cold and hold darkness in his soul.
His talents lie with tricks as a singing magician,
Had the crowd cheering his bagpiper's rendition.
None really suspects his crafty maneuvers,
He seems to care with spiritual endeavors.
Alas! Who can really tell of his deception,
Only to realize later it was Satan's conception.
Casting his spells, one by one fell like flies,
Not knowing why their lives took a nose-dive.
After the deliverance they were awakened,
Old Goat a fatherly figure? Really mistaken!
Reason why Hitler gained power so quickly?
He could speak so well with lies and trickery.
And a reason why he didn't win the war,
Someone else spoke up to stop his roar!
Old goat speaks eloquently with hidden agenda,
He makes imaginary of himself of a pretender.
Wonder why he enjoys speaking in tongue?
Satan endowed him to speak lies by the tons.
When evil is ushered in with lies spoken.
The Elder brave to speak against the goat,
To stop him spitting venom from his throat.
Old goat put down, more skeletons were found,
Many bleeding hearts cried out with loud sound.
They did not cry for blood though they've rights,
What they demanded, both get out of their sights.
Clowns are supposed to entertain,
Not to bring stress, strain or shame.
Nor would crow caw, nor would goat bleat,
As days increased both would feel the heat.
No matter how treacherous and vain the villain...
No matter how diabolical his plan with his minions...
When God decides to put his foot down,
It was game over for the two silly clowns.
Background of Old Goat
Goatology is the analysis of the goat genus,
He is one of the famous goatologist; a genius.
His credentials include having a PhD in goatology,
An expert in the field of goat's dietary and anatomy.
Background of Black Crow
Crowology is an ingenious study on crowisdom,
He is a top notch expert in nepotism and cronyism.
Conspired in ungodly manner with spiritual flaws,
To grab the leadership office for his brother-in-law.