What do they say about being fooled the 3rd time?
Fooled once, shame on you, fooled twice, shame on me, fooled thrice - you really deserve to be extinct.
It's the fool who thinks that he cannot be fooled.
They will say, 'Am I a fool? I don't think I'm a fool. But I think I sure was fooled.'
Don't argue with a fool, better strive to wake the dead.
As they say, there is no fool like an old fool.
Offensive Demeanour
It may be blindingly obvious to the character but not to those that seek his help and counsel. All too prone to indiscretion, his open rebuke often humiliates them.
Many flinched at the cutting acidity in his voice, having to endure his ranting and raving. A quick temper will make a fool of you, soon enough.
This will only bring ignominy to himself. It can kill trust in how a 'spiritual leader' conduct himself in a cold and uncaring manner.
There is nothing more infuriating than an unwelcome "surprise." The words are not only deeply offensive – but at times can bring condemnation – and feel insulting to the people – and strain credibility.
Gold Rush
Ironically, inspite of the "harsh treatment" people still rush to the den.
If five hundred people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.
Promoting the bible class with "lots of blessings” as an enticement too good to ignore. The idea is to make it seems as though only an idiot could say no to it.
Again, there are fools that rush in where angels fear to tread.
Chasing after anything that shines is like going after the elusive mirage. They forgot the wisdom of the sage, "All that glitters is not gold." Just because it looks good on the outside does not mean it is really good.
The uninitiated join in the "gold rush" hoping to have a piece of the action - not knowing that's a trap – a decision of regrets – fills with pain and betrayal.
Concoction of Deceit and Delusion
Indeed, it's a spiritual concoction – prepares with a blend of dark knowledge and half truth – spewing toxic brew of curses. The spiritual ale they drink causes them to ail slowly, as it's poisoned.
When the poison takes effect, like any love potion, you're just deceived and deluded that you're in love – with plenty of love showers upon you. God seems to love and favor you more – blessings upon blessings.
Many think: I'm feeling like a star, you can't stop my shine, I'm chilling on cloud nine,
my head's in the sky. I think I can see the stairway to heaven.
Yes, you're on cloud nine. But, not for long.
When Gold Turned To Rust
Anyway, what are these "lots of blessings" that lured them like lovers that are crazily in love? There must be some magic potion in it. No?
We are told there're tons of blessings in gold to mine – "blessings like never before." And what are they?
At the beginning: Everything he touched turns into gold...
> Healing – Sicknesses disappear
> Good family relationship
> Jobs and businesses prosper
> Experience spiritual high – ascending the stairway of heaven
Then, At the end: Everything he touched turns into rust.
> Sicknesses relapse – worse than before
> Family relationship turns sour – conflicts and ill feelings
> Jobs and contracts stifle
> Self condemnation of suicidal tendencies – decending the staircase to hell
Always, the start, the Devil seems to "bless" but the end is to kill, steal and destroy.
The Cries Of Distress
Many negative reports by receivers of the dark knowledge, now unfold. The effect of the poison seeps into them produces untold harm and damage to their spiritual, physical, financial and families' lives.
The lawless one dispenses the concoction has cause many to suffer irreparable hurt and harm – to the extend of losing their souls.
Driven to deep despair and humility the people realize their wrongs. They have been deceived – the pains and sufferings are beyond what they can endure.
They could not hide their anguish in their hearts anymore. From the depths of distress; dejected and heartbroken, they let out an anguished cry to God.
What will the Father think of the perpetrator's misdeeds and the victims' grief?
Their desperate cries of distress and despair touched the Father's heart.
Will God keep quiet? And will the perpetrator go unpunished?
We are not the judge. God is.
But one thing we all know is certain...
Before the end: There is always the accountability.
All that glitters is not gold
Tongue that speaks so bold
Judge not the book by its cover
Take it apart, look it all over
All that glitters is not gold
Masked so well until it is unfold
Bewitched: the spell of deception
Under the master of manipulation
Beware! All that glitters is not gold
Wait a minute, put everything on hold
Shake off the false, once and for all
Reject, show the dark agent the door