I had previously dismissed ... as nothing but
a chit-chat group...a gathering of housewives
(or househusbands?) sharing salad recipes.
Boy was I wrong!
But it took a very special kind of wake up call to realize that.
It wasn't just simple chit-chats with a rich pappa at a regular cozy corner in Teratai Square anymore. The café became a favorite rendezvous for a secret project.
Not surprisingly, at a quiet and comfy place where an ongoing group reunion would come for the nightly trysts which they had fallen heavily for the 'spiritual education'.
Soon it advanced to a silly housewife gossiping—disseminating of 'truths' to the obsequious listeners—too eager to pander to his fantasy.
The nearest detail to this is a secret gutter—making allusive remarks and oblique attacks on God's works and appointment.
A Creative Menu Of Half-Truths And Deceits
What began as a food savouring session turned into a constant torrent of sly innuendo against the leadership. The captain served his admirers with a creative menu filled with tantalising tall tales.
From appetisers to wet their mouths he hinted disapprovals of God's choice. Then he ordered some tasty-nasty nit-picking hot spicy snacks to arouse their taste buds.
Sensing his devotees did not response well he took up cooking lessons to improve his culinary skills.
As a famous master chef now, serving scrumptious food, he cooked up unsavory stories spiced up with unique flavor to make them more delicious and appetizing.
He then set up the mood for some sweet
sensational experiences for the guests. Pampered with lavish banquets the patrons got a taste of luxurious meals.
His groupie were treated with assortments of deliciously exotic desserts: Backbiting Biscuits, Criticizing Cheesecake, Jealousy Jelly, Mudslinging Mousse, Postman Pudding, Treasonous Tiramisu, Slandering Salads and Soon-Angry Sandwiches.
To sweeten their imagination: expensive cock-n-bull cocktail with generous amount of half-truth and falsehood were served to their hearts' delights. Again, those were not fun treats but laced with poisons that dulled their spiritual senses.
They got so involved, drugged and doped up with the deadly booze until it turned their hearts stout and bold, at the same time fuddled their heads. They were not able to sense the heretic's secret evil designs—and lulled into spiritual slumber.
A Culture Of Fear and Intimidation
Do you worry that you don’t measure up like everyone else if you don't attend his class? That everyone will laugh at you and you’ll be humiliated? It doesn’t get a lot more embarrassing than that.
Using fear as a persuasion weapon to intimidate into submission, you finally broke down and thought it best to obey than resist, lest you sin.
The heretic corrupted the words of life with dark doctrines till the hapless and helpless followers were only capable of blind obedience. Like spiritual zombies they were heading towards the enemy's camp.
He went on a campaign to subdue the ignorant—propagating the culture of divide and rule—favouring his supporters and cutting off those that stood their grounds.
But the double standard here is obvious and offensive. It makes you question his integrity as the spiritual elder. He showed scant regard for credibility and whatever little respect for him was lost.
...over time from this apparently respected outfit trying to convince you that you have no truth—to attend his Thursday's 'truth revival' class. Otherwise, God does not want you.
All that he wanted was the extra digits to pad his supporters' base.
Anyone that ignores or refuses his offer will only invite the unsparing treatment: The bishop's famous trademark of 'slash and burn' policy.
Be cut off (avoided and ignored) and 'burn' (will go to hell).
The threat of being cut off and the fear of not wanted by God became surreal imagery should you not attend his special class.
The Consequence Of Partaking Dark Knowledge
So, as a result of that experience, your whole world turned upside down... all hell broke loose.
Shouting matches between spouses became a new home amusement for the kids. Strife and contention were rife among family members: leaving scars of hurts, bitterness and resentments.
With the newly acquired 'soon angry' and snarl of rage behaviors you flayed at everyone and anyone that crossed your path.
You have lost control of your life and could do nothing about it.
Everything turned against your favors: your bosses picked on you, freak accidents, feeling condemned, suicidal thoughts...the lists go on and on.
Not to go into the sorry details here to evoke anguish or aggravate pain but suffice to say...Satan was waiting, smiling gleefully at his doors with a big welcome sign.
The Inconvenient Truth About Toxic People
Everything was done by intrigue, not by loyalty.
The heretic's teaching soon became a propaganda working on the sly to discredit God's works and insinuate flaws with His appointment.
Clearly more trouble brewing as all signs suggest that this clandestine traffic is increasing and secret plots abound.
He launched his opening salvo with insidious barrage of slanderous attacks—with a potential to trigger off a rebellion.
As always, the strategy was to shell his nemesis til he dropped his arms and took a dishonorable flight. But the chosen leader was no easy meat.
In general, most of his adherents could not understand the subliminal messages exploiting them and instigating a revolt.
All was carry out with subtlety and within the confine of his inner circles. But beyond that everything remains shrouded in secrecy.
The clandestine meetings went undetected for about two years.
The Perfect Storm
The continuing escalation of covert activities, with the confluence of a myriad of Machiavellian moves would culminate in a perfect storm of tragic magnitude.
God was watching every single act...
And He would not allowed it to happen, as promised.
A day to remember, 311—the Liberation Day. With the release of a supercharged megaton TNT hydrogen bomb (H-Bomb) the D.I. was 'flatten' at one fell swoop.
The shocking news struck everyone by surprise: took their breath away, temporary...and bringing all activities to a screeching halt.
All were shell shocked yet happy (happy-shock) by the timely exposure of the dark instrument's misdeeds.
But why now?
God has to wait for the perfect timing. He is never too late or too early.
All must be tested—from the top to the least—of their loyalty and allegiance. The hearts and motives of the people were laid bare when they least expected.
Men can plot but it is God that decides. The entire episodes had to play out. Then God exposed the cloak-and-dagger activities behind the enemy lines.
The heretic finally met his match when Father made him eat crow.
Shock And Awe: The Game Changer
Assuming the people will stand behind him the bishop decided to push his personal agenda with bold and lightning pace. He made a determined attempt for the jugular.
The moment came when God put His foot down, dropped the H-bomb.
In quick successions on focussed targets the titan met his Waterloo in his fortress and this marked the beginning of his ignominious end.
Soon the heretic's pride was cut down to size, stripping bare the peacock feathers that flaunt, and flicker in the wind.
Such a humiliating defeat was good for his overblown ego...and shamed the Devil.
The Heretic's Crime: Trafficking Souls
Christians without pure conscience—tempted by money, power and ambitions—compromised their moral code—trafficked innocent souls as goods for profit.
One proven way to control the people is to manipulate their mindset—constantly bombard and bind them with fear that they have no truth—in order to enslave them to be subservient to him.
For personal gains, the heretic betrayed the trusts of his brethren—treated them as mere merchandise—and sold them into slavery, to the Devil—at a price.
The whole charade has hurt God most—to watch a large herd being condemned to hell.