You think you have cut off completely from Heretic...right?
Well, think again, you may still be in love with him and not even realize it!
You're in danger of under curse!
Is there any remedy? You will find out soon enough.
Ignorant Is No Excuse
Are you completely over with Heretic?
Still have fleeting thoughts?
Or lingering feelings?
You are in danger of under curse!
Spiritual world controls the physical aspects of lives. You may not be congizant - the spiritual law applies.
The hero you admired is your nemesis.
Heretic Fought God, Became God's Enemy
When you support Heretic to fight God - ignorant or not, you've aligned with the Devil. You become the enemy of God.
Have you not heard the saying: the friend of the Devil is God's enemy, and the enemy of God is also my enemy?
One way not to accede to the enemy's demands is to reject all evil suggestions. Distant from the dark works and heresy of unauthorized teachers. They are wolves in sheep's clothing.
When you did not resist and renounce them, you're considered as sympathizer or fence sitter; the Devil has the rights over you.
The spiritual law dictates the fashion of curse the devil can inflict upon your life.
You may not even know that you're cursed through Heretic whom you considered as a good man (only God knows his motives).
How to know if you're still in love with the enemy of God?
Here are ten ways to test if you're still in love with Heretic:
1. Think Heretic is anointed
2. Still think Heretic is a nice person
3. Feel he should be the preferred leader
4. Feel Heretic speaking in tongue is God's gift
5. Think back to all the good time you shared together
6. Offended when the messages revealed his wrong doings
7. Believe you should love your enemy and he should be forgiven
8. Justify for the crow couple for their supportive roles in the rebellion
9. Sympathize with Heretic, and promote his heresy and dark practices
10. Agree with Heretic to criticize and blespheme God's works of sactification.
Bonus Tip: Still have pics on your phone, facebook or instagram with Heretic,
his Dark Woman & children, or Crow Couple
The Price Of Spiritual Blind Love
Many wondered why their lives cursed: dark visitations at nights, uncontrollable fear, insomnia, constant quarrels, unprovoked anger, freak accidents, sicknesses, lost of joy, lost the will to live, find no meaning in life, and so on ad infinitum.
You that love the Lord, hate evil - Prov. 97:10
The fear of the Lord is to hate evil - Prov. 8:13
Heretic resisted and try to topple the leadership God appointed. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those resist will incur judgment - Romans 13:2
Sympathize with him is like approving his evil deeds - will surely bring curses upon yourself.
Having affection and fond memories of Heretic is a bane.
Loving the one who fights God is not the wisest thing to do.
Antidote: Reject & Renounce Heretic Completely
Spiritual warfare is fought on the ground of spiritual law.
Nothing short of a true, total repentance. A clean-cut is demanded.
Of course, it's not too late to rescind your support and allegiance to Heretic and his master, Satan.
Restoration can only effected with your pledge of total allegiance to God, and reciprocate to the pact of salvation with the high vessel. Period.

A friend of
God's enemy
is also
my enemy.
Heretic Fought God, Became God's Enemy
Have you not heard the saying: the friend of the Devil is God's enemy, and the enemy of God is also my enemy?
One way not to accede to the enemy's demands is to reject all evil suggestions. Distant from the dark works and heresy of unauthorized teachers. They are wolves in sheep's clothing.
When you did not resist and renounce them, you're considered as sympathizer or fence sitter; the Devil has the rights over you.
The spiritual law dictates the fashion of curse the devil can inflict upon your life.
You may not even know that you're cursed through Heretic whom you considered as a good man (only God knows his motives).
How to know if you're still in love with the enemy of God?
Here are ten ways to test if you're still in love with Heretic:
1. Think Heretic is anointed
2. Still think Heretic is a nice person
3. Feel he should be the preferred leader
4. Feel Heretic speaking in tongue is God's gift
5. Think back to all the good time you shared together
6. Offended when the messages revealed his wrong doings
7. Believe you should love your enemy and he should be forgiven
8. Justify for the crow couple for their supportive roles in the rebellion
9. Sympathize with Heretic, and promote his heresy and dark practices
10. Agree with Heretic to criticize and blespheme God's works of sactification.
Bonus Tip: Still have pics on your phone, facebook or instagram with Heretic,
his Dark Woman & children, or Crow Couple
The Price Of Spiritual Blind Love
Many wondered why their lives cursed: dark visitations at nights, uncontrollable fear, insomnia, constant quarrels, unprovoked anger, freak accidents, sicknesses, lost of joy, lost the will to live, find no meaning in life, and so on ad infinitum.
The fear of the Lord is to hate evil - Prov. 8:13
Heretic resisted and try to topple the leadership God appointed. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those resist will incur judgment - Romans 13:2
Sympathize with him is like approving his evil deeds - will surely bring curses upon yourself.
Having affection and fond memories of Heretic is a bane.
Loving the one who fights God is not the wisest thing to do.
Antidote: Reject & Renounce Heretic Completely
Spiritual warfare is fought on the ground of spiritual law.
Nothing short of a true, total repentance. A clean-cut is demanded.
Of course, it's not too late to rescind your support and allegiance to Heretic and his master, Satan.
Restoration can only effected with your pledge of total allegiance to God, and reciprocate to the pact of salvation with the high vessel. Period.
A friend of
God's enemy
is also
my enemy.