Imagine if you could rewind, and live in the 1800's, gastronomically speaking, that is.
If that wasn't enough food for you to chew, hear this: a law was passed forbidding prisons to serve convicts lobster more than twice a week; it was considered as "cruel punishment."
I know. I know what you're thinking right now.
I know. I know what you're thinking right now.
I can see your drooling tongue and pathetic face trying to convince every one around that you deserve the "cruel punishment."
Sorry, you can't rewind the past.
Heretic Still Living In The Past
Heretic Still Living In The Past
After more than ten years in slumberland he wakes up thinking he still lives in the yesteryear of 1800's.
No wonder Heretic tells every one he's poor, and a long queue of eager simpletons lining up to treat him with the "poor man food."

Not to be left out, his menu of "poor man food" includes crab and abalone — thanks to the compliments of his benefactors.
Not to be left out, his menu of "poor man food" includes crab and abalone — thanks to the compliments of his benefactors.
A "poor man food" lobster has now becomes a delightful indulgence, accessible only to the rich. Nothing remains the same forever.
Only The Word Of God Endures Forever.
When a prophet gives a word it often comes with a condition yet Heretic still cling to the past. When the receiver of the word fulfilled the condition — passed the test, only then it will be established.
I remembered more that a decade ago the Heretic shared to a group of us that he received instruction to give a message to a pastor in Bentong. The instruction: Not to stop along the journey, even for a drink.
Did He Follow The Instruction?
You guess it right. He just did that — after all he was thirsty, right?
When a simple instruction was not followed accordingly, yet Heretic had the audacity to claim he was the chosen one to the leadership.
When a simple instruction was not followed accordingly, yet Heretic had the audacity to claim he was the chosen one to the leadership.
Like the man of God from Judah when God commanded him to deliver a message to Jeroboam, and must not eat bread or drink water or return by the way you came —1 Kings 13:9
He disobeyed God; a lion met him on the road and killed him.
The lion symbolizes the Devil, had a case to petition God for his life.
Both the Heretic and that man of God shared similar story.
Are Heretic And Relatives The Brothers And Sisters?
If the Heretic and his relatives still think he should be the natural inheritor by virtue of being the brother, then hear this: For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother, sister and mother —Mark 3:35
Being a blood relative does not necessarily bond people together. But, doing the will of God does, in the love of God. All those in the pact of salvation with the high vessel are his true brothers and sisters.
He disobeyed God; a lion met him on the road and killed him.
The lion symbolizes the Devil, had a case to petition God for his life.
Both the Heretic and that man of God shared similar story.
Are Heretic And Relatives The Brothers And Sisters?
If the Heretic and his relatives still think he should be the natural inheritor by virtue of being the brother, then hear this: For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother, sister and mother —Mark 3:35
Being a blood relative does not necessarily bond people together. But, doing the will of God does, in the love of God. All those in the pact of salvation with the high vessel are his true brothers and sisters.
So, how can the Heretic and relatives who sabotaged the will of God claimed to be his brothers and sisters?
Let Them Eat Lobster
Since Heretic and gang love to dwell in the past it will do them well to go back to the past era of 1800's.
They can then join the convicts and inmates to eat lobsters to their hearts' content.
They can then join the convicts and inmates to eat lobsters to their hearts' content.
It reminds us how convicts and inmates were treated like trash, fed with lobster, much to their displeasure —a food served in prison for the scum of society.