April 4, 2013

Why A Sheltered Chameleon With An Identity Crisis?

Sometimes, the closest people are the most dangerous. Who could have thought of a church elder that "served" umpteen years under the high vessel would betrayed his own brother? 

                                                                                                                     No more, after knowing what spiritual darkness can do to a person.  

Probably, watching too many late nights Korean drama on rebellion?

Sinking Deeper Into Darkness                                        
It only takes one evil deed to undo all the good ones. And when there are too many committed, without any remorse, it could end all hope of redemption. 

When one has not a pure heart; motives only to advance self-interest, then s/he becomes a perfect tool for the Devil's use.

Who are the people Satan cherry-pick as suitable candidates?

No prizes. You guess it right. 

They that are ambitious with super ego; envious and unforgiving heart; arrogant; and always wanting to have the last say.

Heretic satisfies all conditions, and more.

As Satan's favorite he sinks deeper and deeper...

Into the darkest deception – to a point of no return.

A Sheltered Life: "Beware Of Greeks Bearing Gifts"

Even so well sheltered and cared for, both spiritually and physically – Heretic has never learned to appreciate the goodness of God shown by the high vessel.

His dark woman bearing a gift with a subliminal message well hidden in the picture – imperceptible to the untrained eyes – having a concealed bad intention – to deride and ridicule the high vessel.

It reminds us of the phrase, "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts" – a warning to the Trojans not to accept the Trojan horse the Greeks left. Beware of your enemies even if they treat you nice.

The good Lord sounded many warnings yet Heretic and his dark woman took them lightly. Worse still, they took them as personal.

Even after 30 years under the high vessel's ministry he neglected to watch and learn as an elder. One thing leads to another when he failed to follow the law of protocol.

Darkness attracts darkness. When the main door opened, Heretic swallowed wholesale hook, line and sinker – because that was what he wanted to hear – enemy penetrated.

He began to believe what he was not.

Identity Crisis 

The time came.

With the glorious ascension of the high vessel Heretic soon forgot the warnings. He began to assume his position as the leader, walking through the main door, bypassing protocol. 

He forgot spiritual calling is by appointment, not by assumption of seniority or that he was 'in charge' of spiritual matters or sharing the same DNA with the high vessel.

Because of personal ambition he got himself into muddled thinking and misplaced suggestion that he should be the natural inheritor. 

It was a time of uncertainty and confusion when it came to his senses that he was not chosen. The thought of seeing his dream shattered was too much to bear. Bewildered, he felt insecure and lost his sense of identity.

Face to face with pride and self-image he couldn't endure the task of resolving the crisis of his basic ego identity.

Not able to accept the reality God had rejected him just as Saul was rejected. Like Saul: bitter and full of resentment, heart full of vengeance towards David, the heretic displayed the same characteristics towards God's chosen leader

Chameleon-like Nature

Chameleons can alter their appearances constantly, blend in almost seamlessly with the environments to camouflage their identity. They are able to change colors almost instantly to suit their moods.

It's an understatement to say a thirty years' friendships will not turn  sour.

Ever heard of a "Smiling Tiger?"  

Heretic can smile and joke in front of you but exhibits chameleon-like behavior that will elude even the sharpest minds.

Under the pretext of "teaching the truth" the heretic launched scathing attack on the leadership – salvo after salvo constant torrent of sly innuendo, lies and half-truth.

Benjamin Franklin wrote to Tom Paine, "He who spits in the wind spits in his own face."

Indeed, when you spit in the sky it falls in your eye. Spit at heaven and you'll get it back in your face.

However cunning and manipulative one can be but failed to master the skills of a chameleon, and as a result, could boomeranged, only to be labeled as a despicable traitor. 

Heretic, All Your Previous Duties Are Not Required Anymore

Since you have defected to the enemy's camp, to fight God – they're discontinued and ceased to exist. Hence, you have no business to sit in the control room like any others.

We cannot allow chameleons that cast away their morals, changing loyalties without remorse to further their interests in our midst.

Your desperate act only cast more dark shadows on your character – one that fights God by helping the Devil to destroy God's plan and purpose – is of no use to God anymore.

As a saving grace and with any dignity, suggest you leave.

Start your own church if you think you've "high truth." Preach your master, Satan's doctrines, to your new unsuspected audience.

We cannot pretend to be blind to one that willingly prostitute himself to the worst instincts of the Devil.

Consigned To The Dustbin Of Church History

It's pathetic. Even the rats and roaches are distancing themselves from the Heretic – distrusted and hated by his old comrades.

Pretended to be their hero giving a new hope – and played his assumed role to the hilt. Exposed, the Chameleon ended up in an identity crisis.

His chameleon-like "colorful" brand persona continues to fade into oblivion like the sunset disappearing into darkness.