March 11, 2016

The Day To Remember: March Eleven

Same Book But Never The Same Page

Image result for same book different pages
I tell you a poignant story
How one stole God’s glory
And ensnared many in a dreary affair
Lost, they cried out in deep despair

February 12, 2016

Are You Still In Love With Heretic?: Your Curse!

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You think you have cut off completely from Heretic...right?

Well, think again, you may still be in love with him and not even realize it!

You're in danger of under curse!

Is there any remedy?  You will find out soon enough.

December 10, 2015

Run, Run, Run... From The Land Grabbers

My Soul is a Private Property

The few cohorts believe the special package deal is their Godsend inheritance which must be possessed by any means—lawfully or not.
What seems to be a simple proposition to a real estate transaction turns sour with the murder of…

November 11, 2015

There's Hope: Father's Sanctification

The above post appeared in April 2012,  after the March Eleven's rebellion. Looking back, we witness how relevant the Father's work was as it is now. At the end of the post, the comments in blue.

                                                        Know what? According to extrinsic information...

Only 40% will have the hope of salvation. The 60% are playing the fool... while sitting at the feet of a Dark Teacher.

October 19, 2015

Declassified: A Tale Of Two Traitors

Just when you think you know enough history,
Stop! You are about to hear the greatest story...
I will tell you the story of two silly clowns,
They work in a circus that came through town.

Day in, day out; they live their lives as jokers,
Fulltime trading souls for Satan as brokers.
They mock and scoff at the Elder all day long,
Pretend what they did was nothing wrong. 

September 30, 2015

Be Bold To Kill Your Darlings!

Image result for be bold to kill your darlings“Kill my darlings!” Are you crazy or what?

No, no. No, it’s not what you think…

Of course, we’re not talking about your lovers or sweethearts.

No, it’s not your little precious baby, either.

Kill your darlings can be painful…but it’s good for you – in the end.

August 22, 2015

Murder Without A Body

Did Old Goat with the complicity of Bald Crow and G4 resort to fratricide to usurp power?

Did the murderer and accomplices leave any trail of evidence incriminating them? 

What could be the fatal mistake that self destruct?

July 24, 2015

An Open Letter To The Heretic: Your Misadventure

Attention: HERETIC

Unless you leave peacefully, the Church will without hesitation, fulfil its obligation. She may be slow to make up her mind, but having made it up she doesn't readily let go. Do not take her generosity and patience for granted – there is absolutely no guarantee she will remain the same.

May 14, 2015

Perfectly Imperfect

Yes, we all make mistakes.

You’re right; we shouldn’t be defined by our mistakes.

You can feel flawed, but forgiven.

April 26, 2015

The Forbidden Treasures

Greed blinds: Not knowing their fates sealed – supporters of the fallen leader foolishly harbor hope to overturn God's appointment – to achieve their common agenda...

April 4, 2015

Did Heretic Really Tell His Mother To Go To Hell?

Go to HellBe very afraid.  Everyone 
who's not in his good book 
is destined to go to hell.

Soo-dodo despises, depicts his mother as money face – money obsessed. Would she spared from his curse?

April 1, 2015

Why Would A Son Publicly Badmouth His Mother?

We wonder why a son would badmouth his mother in public?

A son would not hate his mother even if she's a 'bad mother'.