December 18, 2012

What's The Writing On The Wall Telling Us?

He can bang his head off till the wall falls...
 but the guilty conscience will not go away.
Bash Head

The words written by a mysterious hand appear on the walls of         Belshazzar's palace are now appearing on the Heretic's wall.   

The inscription: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN - which means:    

  • The days of your kingdom are numbered, will be brought to an end.
  • You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.
Like King Belshazzar, the heretic treats the holy things lightly:  drunk with greed for money and position. He and his court of inner circles indulge in dark knowledge, dark practises and dark tongue; and degrade God's sanctification works. He ignored God's warnings by the appointed Elder because he was engrossed with his self-interest agenda.

Like Belshazzar, he lifted up his heart
Pride ruled, spirit hardened from the start
Lifted against God, heretic refused to budge
Mocked God's sanctification, he dared judge 

Full of confidence the heretic and court of inner circles arrayed in army fatigues, parading their war machine to display their military might to oppose.   

They blaspheme God: assault and attack Father's truth and works. Like Apostle Paul shook his raiment, said to those Jews in Corinthians: your blood be upon your own heads (Acts 18:5-6), we should likewise, have nothing to do with them. Avoid at all cost from their deadly contamination.   
The writing is on the wall: the verdict is a forgone conclusion. 
The imminent fate is unavoidable. The signs are there. 

At first it's a mystery
One with an evil mastery
Though it's hurting many
Thank God, it's now history

A baited Postman likes to eat
Preparation he does not need
What comes to mind, he speaks
What God advises, does not heed

Claiming No. 1 is his seat
Anger fills with emotional heat
The people: with poison he feeds
Fighting God with evil deeds

Claiming Rank No. 1 is his right
Tooth and nail he stands to fight
Lashing out with all his might
Now he can run but cannot hide

He has played all his cards
Wonder how it really starts
To know, it's not so hard
It got to do with the heart

It's simple and it's plain 
Why should he complain
Chances given to restrain
Stubborn, refuses to abstain

Nothing more to say
No more ace to play
Man made of clay 
Can't fight God's way

           Proud and standing tall            
Listening to no one at all
Rejecting all warning and call 
Got to bang head on the wall.

From his own hand foresees his fall
Refuses warning, wanting to play ball
Doing evil with no conscience at all
'Tis like the Writing on the wall

The fool is standing small
The winner takes it all
The loser has to fall
Tis like the Writing on the wall

Contribution by Poetry's Student