December 21, 2012

What If The Mayans Were Right?

The 13th Hour

Are you really excited about the "End Of The World" when the clock strike 12.00 at midnight?

Most would because it's going to be a new beginning, in a new land, with a new life.

Quite interestingly, some would prefer to stay back because of the undone task for their master, Satan.   

But before the world ends with the Mayan's calendar... there's  still  time to make the right decision, for the fence sitters.             

If it was the end of the world, wouldn't you want to live without regrets? 

You'd stop worrying about whether your present stance on the
rebellion is the right thing that you want to do. 

See it this way... 

If you were to live at the end of the world, you found out many people were not around anymore: wife, husband, children, friends, and even your pet dog (dogs do go to heaven!), how would you feel?

Knock your head against the wall? And regret all your miserable life, blaming why Patches didn't bark loud enough to warn you?

If that's what you want, then blame no one, but your self.

So at midnight, whether or not it's the End Of The World Doomsday, we're going to rejoice and celebrate God's victory over Satan by the high vessel.   

You still can climb into his band wagon to reciprocate the Salvation Pact.

IF you're being alive, whether or not the Mayans rushing to reintroduce a new calendar before midnight or not... the world is not going to end. 

But the fact that you've got breath in your lungs, there's still time for reflection... there's a chance the Mayans may fail to stop the clock!

Doing the right things you've to do, not doing out of sentimentalism 
or enjoy taking a nostalgic trip down memory lane. 

It's REALISM, not wishful affection for the past with personal association that you want to do, rather the things that have to do, 
that will take you to the place you alway hope to be.

What IF the Mayans were right? Do you want to take chances?

It's your choice... the clock is tickling away.

Now... until midnight!