December 15, 2012


  MR. WRONG                                     

The heretic boasted what comes to his mind he speaks, and now the chickens are coming home to roost...with shame. 

                                                    His washing dirty linen of the 'victims of persecution' boomeranged, leaving the heretic and his wife dangling by a thread...

The Oppressor                         

It's incumbent on an elder to protect its members from falsehood. But the heretic uses his position to perpetuate spiritual crimes and bring curses to the people's lives.   

Over the past 3 years, as the heretic continued to impose his brute might and power on the people – intimidating them into submission and subservience, they grew restless. Finding hard to break out from his ironclad oppression they suffered in silence.

Five to six hundred of them has taken for a ride and still do not know how to change vehicle. They're sucked into a whirlpool and drown in a sea of lies and deceits.

Eleven of March: The Day Of Liberation

God put down his foot: to squash the rebellion.  

As if like a miracle...waking up from a comatose sleep. Once drugged, make senseless and near death, their spiritual eyes are opened.

An epiphany. They realized how they were taken for a long, rough ride.

The heretic's dark teaching and prayer in dark tongue cause them to be in a state of near unconsciousness. Those affected by his cursed words started to act stupid. 

When God broke the spiritual hypnotism one by one emerges from their drunken stupor. With tears streaming down their cheeks, choking with emotions, they exposed the heretic's oppressions. Many wanted to end their lives for they could not take it any more.

By the hundreds, one by one shares their distress and miseries caused by the heretic: pitting wives against husbands and husbands against wives; causing suspicions on  brethren; interfering into church members' company businesses; labeling those not in his good books as goats; threatening members will go to hell if they don't attend his bible class because they have no truth.  

He tries to project as their 'champion' to save them from hell. But all his 'chest beating' to display his dominance in an intimidating manner could not help. The false structure of Nobody can prove what I say is wrong crumbles to the ground. 

The heretic is proven wrong over again, and again...and again!

The Chickens Finally Came Home To Roost

His chest-thumping and garbage-spewing backfired, and soon exposes him in a power-crazy stupor. It's all posturing and rhetoric to make him look like the real stuff to the gullible. In truth, all these pretences to scoff the appointed leader is to show that he is actually the 'boss'.

However, in desperation he has failed to realize he has poked into a hornet nest. He could have learned in a warfare, attack is always the best defence. But he forgot: with wrong and unwise actions it could backfire. This, he paid dearly.

The chickens are coming home to roost: the evil that men create returns to their own door. His offensive words and actions rebound to haunt him. The consequences are huge, considering the nature and magnitude of the crimes. 

Why Is The Heretic Still Around?

With all the testimonies standing against the heretic yet he maintains a stony silence. Clearly, he could not rebut the public testimonies: What you say are dead wrong for you're a curse to our lives! 

How on earth could the heretic still be in the church with all the proofs thrown at him? Does he not understand what is shame anymore?

A passed the used-by date item, discarded by the members, he may be counting his days as his former supporters and inner circles leaving him in droves. 

View as a relic, consigned to the dustbin of history, with a tag: What you say is very dangerous.

SNT Team