Joker vs Joker
Though you've many similarities that match the profile of 'The Joker': a highly dangerous person; an unstable state of mind; highly insane and criminal hilarity — but you can never come close to his intelligence.
The closest, and maybe, the only "competitive edge" you've over 'The Joker' that's worth mentioning — and earn you a place in Satan's family — is your evilness.
Leadership: Worlds Apart
You display pitiable ineptitude and unpreparedness with your infamous tagline, "What comes to my mind, I speak," left you bloodied and beaten.
Unlike the Heretic, the chosen leadership works with due diligence and encourages happiness, not crowd pleasing.
Half Truth = LIE
Half Truth = LIE
You taught them: "He that's in me is greater than he that's in the world."
Not to say it wasn’t truthful. But you only told them half truth — it felt emotionally manipulative, like a McDonald’s commercial.
How to be greater than the Devil when the Holy Spirit has left them? You told them it was OK if they'd not the presence of Holy Spirit. It's like taking a fantasy trip under the hallucination of "now I can fly".
After all, Heretic specializes in "turning over" unsuspecting victims eager to sing his "I believe I can fly" song — believed they "can touch the sky".
After all, Heretic specializes in "turning over" unsuspecting victims eager to sing his "I believe I can fly" song — believed they "can touch the sky".
So, when the Devil whacked them, the house of cards crumbled.
That proved what you taught did not work because it wasn't God's truth you propagated but doctrines of he Devil.
What have you got to say?
Ignoring The Warnings
Ignoring The Warnings
As the term of contest does not permit the main players to be directly involve but can only give indirect hints. Granted, the high vessel on numerous occasions indicated indirect hints as:
1. No more invitation of elders for dinners
2. No more house fellowship
3. No prayers for deliverance and the sick outside the Church
4. Nothing good to say, don't say anything
5. Be careful of whom you fellowship
6. "What you say is very dangerous"
Heretic, you disobeyed God's counsels, scorned at the appointed leader's advices and encouraged others to sin.
You totally ignored, despised and discarded the warnings.
You totally ignored, despised and discarded the warnings.
You could've stop the impending danger, directed the people to the right path, but the lust for office and filthy lucre overwhelmed you.
God knew what was coming, but sad, the people had forgotten the warnings — fell for the piper's charms that led the five to six hundred souls to the slaughter house.
Misread The Signs Of Rebellion
When you shared your "wisdom" with your inner circle, "The first rebels should have waited to have the numbers," I had goosebumps.
Misread The Signs Of Rebellion
When you shared your "wisdom" with your inner circle, "The first rebels should have waited to have the numbers," I had goosebumps.
This spine-chilling statement may escape the attention of the casual hearers but it certainly begs the question, "How long have you been plotting and preparing for this mission?"
No wonder you went into overdrive in your recruitment campaign.
1. Like a frenzy maniac you shouted angrily at the people "will go to hell" because they "have no truth". You struck with waves of "shock and awe" air bombardments to neutralize them. Then followed by ground attacks from the promoters doing your 'dirty jobs' of recruiting members into the Thursday's bible class.
2. The rationale was to increase the numbers to give you an advantage over the leadership as a show of sheer power and people's support. With all the heavy artillery at hand you mount sporadic attacks with your inner circle – to topple the leadership.
The first happens by compulsion, the second happens almost inevitably.
Many misread the signs of rebellion. As early as the first rebellion your mind already corrupted — infiltrated by the Devil for clandestine activities.
The first happens by compulsion, the second happens almost inevitably.
Many misread the signs of rebellion. As early as the first rebellion your mind already corrupted — infiltrated by the Devil for clandestine activities.
Miscalculation: Overconfident And Arrogant
Like your master, Satan, you were so cockfident that your nemesis will be an easy meat. But you forgot your master suffered a humiliating defeat in heaven would be facing the same opponent.
Your grand design turned awry. It boomeranged. The very same people you deceived to fight God now turned against you.
Under the control of hypnotic power they saw you as a sweet angel — beaming smile with white sparkling teeth. But when God opened their eyes now they see the hidden horns, claws and teeth stained with blood.
The Saving Grace Of March Eleven
The Saving Grace Of March Eleven
Law is law. Ignorant is no excuse.
The penalty of partaking treason is death.
We're guilty as charged
The Good Lord has not forgotten the people.
We're ever grateful to God in putting down the rebellion and our appreciations to the high vessel's valued contributions to the victory.
The victory over Satan and his kingdom has put us in the platform to reciprocate to the Salvation Pact where we can climb into the bandwagon of the high vessel.
We couldn't have arrived at a less opportune moment — for those that took the stand for God are given a second chance to repent.
God Not Blind In His Choice
Not wanting to forget the appointed leader — no less, his obedience to God's instruction to act decisively saved the day.
We're encouraged by the courage of the appointed leader for obeying God. He could have kept silent on the matter — for the expediency of maintaining peace.
But decided to do the right thing — by exposing the truths about Heretic's diabolical design that will drag all of us to hell.
He could have surrendered to his emotive instinct by reason of their thirty years' friendships — to compromise the souls.
But he would not be swayed by sentiments or listened to human's counsels other than God's instructions.
That's good leadership — helped save the people and himself from hell.
Now, you know why God chose him over Heretic?
God's Wisdom Not Choosing Heretic
As a spiritual elder you never care for the salvation of God's people.
Sorry, you do care, but you care more of your dog, Patches — to the extent when your dog peed on a brother — instead of the courtesy to excuse your dog for its bad behavior you've the audacity to reprimand the brother whom you treated like a family slave.
Not only you taught the Devil's doctrines and practised dark works, you also blasphemed God's works and his chosen leader.
Moreover, you acted as tour guide for 500 to 600 precious souls on a trip to Satan's residence. The Devil gleaming gleefully with a welcome sign, hands full of passports marked, 'Permanent Resident'.
In lightning speed God stop them dead in their tracks, at Satan's doorsteps — snatched them out, just in time, from the jaw of death.
See, you've committed high treason against God.
And... you say, no one can prove you wrong?
You have been proven dead wrong by many brethren. If we were to compile all the testimonies there will not be enough rooms.
Now, you know why God did not choose you?
What have you got to say?
Batman and Joker Movie
Since you were caught "sleeping on your job" in dereliction of duty and committing high treason you may excuse yourself.
There's no place for you here.
And, we won't miss you anyway.
Maybe you can try apply to be the Joker in the Batman movie.
But don't expect us to watch — for your brand of jokes suck and rancid!
Joker, what have you got to say?
The joke is on you now.