Fact Is Stranger Than Fiction
"What?!" A visibly shaken Sleepy Head jolted as if from a horror movie.
Denying each mistake made — for if no one knows, then It never happened."
The Spiritual Journey of Sleepy Head ...
A young man in his early twenties decided to seek God.
At the beginning of his journey, he sought out all the spiritual mentors he could find. Attended many workshops and seminary trainings, climbed high mountains seeking the solace for spiritual retreats, and read countless books on ministerial works by many spiritual giants.
After several years under the wings of a spiritual sifu he seemed to have found the high knowledge. Seemingly had a 'vision' along the way, but had yet minister anything of significance.
"What?!" A visibly shaken Sleepy Head jolted as if from a horror movie.
Denying each mistake made — for if no one knows, then It never happened."
The Spiritual Journey of Sleepy Head ...
A young man in his early twenties decided to seek God.
At the beginning of his journey, he sought out all the spiritual mentors he could find. Attended many workshops and seminary trainings, climbed high mountains seeking the solace for spiritual retreats, and read countless books on ministerial works by many spiritual giants.
After several years under the wings of a spiritual sifu he seemed to have found the high knowledge. Seemingly had a 'vision' along the way, but had yet minister anything of significance.
Somewhere in his mid-forties, the not-so-young man decided to do some ministering works. He took a newbie with him to show him how things are done: healing the sick and delivering the oppressed.
To the freshie's horror all the sick patients the 'teacher' prayed, died.
Sleeping Beauty Learning In His Sleep
Though sitting under the feet of the high vessel of God for thirty years he did not learn much. Unwilling to relinquish the dark knowledge acquired from his previous sifu he secretly resisted the new truth.
In his dream, a cute dog, Patches which reads bible and eats from the plate of restaurant under the table.
"I Have The Numbers"
When the time finally came he launched forth with what he'd learned in secret from the dark world — manifesting the dark works from his old sifu. Not surprising, many attendees received their 'breakthroughs'.
He felt validated by the number of attendees in his Thursday's bible class, but he couldn't keep down the horror in his gut that something was going terribly wrong.
He was having a good time.
There were the festivities: the drink, the food, the honor, the respect, the filthy lucre, and he always ended with prayer in tongue. A lot of it.
One thing yet lacking, he wondered, why wasn't he appointed as the supreme leader.
That Night Could've Happened
On a particularly starry Thursday night, the phone rang at 11:59 pm, and he did not answer it. It rang again, and again, and four more times. Finally he took the call just past midnight.
After a brief conversation on the phone he merely sat at his desk staring blankly into the sky. Then, after a long thought he wrote something on a small booklet just before he tucked into his bed.
He was gone before sunrise. No one knew exactly where he went and what was the previous night phone's conversation was about. It was a bad feeling to have a church elder missing among the flock.
Many years have passed; in a stormy night, with the meteorological reports of many cities inundated by flood waters. There, stood a familiar dark figure, like a phantom, casting a long shadow in the pale moonlight on the ground lobby.
The dark silhouetted figure of Harry Tick standing strong against the lashing rain, and the sound of howling wind that leaves everything feeling a little eerie.
It was a Thursday's night a person missing for over ten years found his way back — whom many had forgotten — how and why it happened — but it was a lousy feeling that anyone could remember in years.
The Interview
A few weeks before his death, a journalist, Justine Pao asked the old Harry Tick what actually happened that fateful Thursday's night he left without any announcement.
He held up both his forefingers, placing one on top the other symbolizing the cross, "If there's anything, it's this."
"What do you mean?" asked the inquiring columnist from a renown spiritual magazine.
"I sat under the Tree of High Knowledge facing Calvary, fasting and praying, and I had a vision of the cross," he replied.
"Why do you need to face Calvary?" the writer seeking clarification.
"Because, that's the place of salvation," he answered confidently.
The interviewer proposed, "Isn't it true Calvary aka Golgotha, the place of the Skull, Satan's headquarter?
"Yes, it is," Harry Tick responded.
"If that's so, how could it be the place of salvation? Are you suggesting God met death at the cross of shame — the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil — and allowed Satan to mock and shame God with scorn, at the enemy's territory?"
Harry Tick was trying hard to mine an answer from his muddled mind, "No, aaarrrhhh but..."
"You mean looking to Calvary (Golgotha) — the place of the Skull — the place of death — the Tree of Dark Knowledge for your salvation? — blasted the hard talk media man in his hard-hitting exclusive interview.
There was a long silence...
"But that was what I got from my meditation under the Knowledge Tree," countered Harry Tick with a rhetorical question, "Isn't that everyone believe all these times?
"Then, are you saying that Satan killed God, and the Almighty was powerless?" asked the interviewer.
"I mean, Jesus was later resurrected," Harry Tick offered.
"Exactly. How could 'God' died in the hand of Satan? Unable to help Himself? And waited for 3 days for the Spirit of God to resurrect him?"
Filled with pride, Harry Tick challenged, "So, you have the answer?"
"You're the expert with high truth. I'm here to get the answers for my readers," replied the amused interviewer from the widely circulated and read authoritative spiritual magazine, The Hard Hitter.
"I see you're having answers I don't have. Might as well I interview you," an irate and subdued Harry Tick countered.
Food for thought
"Can God be born of a woman?" asked the writer.
Trying to make sense of the question — the interrogative Justine Pao shot two hard-hitting questions, "Can anyone see God and live?" and "Why Jesus cried with a loud voice, "My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?"
Harry Tick bowed in prayer; the reporter asked, "What's your take?"
Like a sleeping giant just woke up from his deep sleep, Sleepy Head spoke in an abrupt manner: "Father did not come down upon Jesus!"
A booming voice above, yelled out, "What you say is very dangerous!"
"What?!" A visibly shaken Sleepy Head jolted as if from a horror movie.
Over the course of many years, the feeling of the chilly air and that howling sound of wind, in that cold stormy Thursday's night, that dark figure casting a long shadow still linger in the writer's mind.