March 10, 2015

Why Heretic Could Never Be God's Choice

Image result for sulu sultan gifs
What a ludicrous claim!

It will only dump him together with many crackpots, claiming as sultan of Sabahmaking him a laughing stock.

When a supposedly spiritual elder speaks he should do so appropriately.

He should not give a wrong impression to his "followers" that he's the biological brother or having "royal blood" as valid reasons to lay claims to the leadership position.

The congregants have passed that stage of insanity. Only those got a glitch in their brain can buy his immature logic.

Obviously, only a dreamer will succumb to such fantasy; snubbing at God's leadershipa flagrant violation of protocol.

God Does Not Practise Cronyism Or Nepotism

It is clear, Heretic tries to hide his embarrassment for not being chosen. To wriggle out of this awkward situation, he justifiesgiving silly reasons.

Heretic said, because he is the brother, that's why he wasn't chosen. That shows God is just and righteousHe does not pracitise nepotism.

Though Heretic may be his brother, but when God instructed whom to appoint, the high vessel obeyedjust like Prophet Samuel obeyed God to pick David over his siblings. Nothing sentimental about it.

Another Twist and Turn

When Heretic said, "God is testing me," meaning when he passed the tests, he will take over the leadership. No! God is specificwhom he chooses. He leaves no ambiguity.

Plenty of Sulu sultansmany of whom quite adept at promoting positive image to their claims. But here is the undeniable truth:


His claims to the leadership is unfounded. It's an attempt to hoodwink the gullible, and hide his motiveto maintain legitimacy to his claims.

The Love of Money, The Root Of All Evil

It's hard to resist the allure of power and money... especially if you're a leader with ambitionwilling to compromise moral principles for thirty pieces of silver.

It's amazing how money can move mountains to sell his brethren's souls for self interest. There's still so much to learn at every turn of life.

If he is willing to sell his soul to the devil, that's his right. But to deceive a whole bunch to the Devil's den is simply outrageousan atrocious crime too monstrous for him to commit.

God's Choice: Clinical Precision

When the end-time plan of God is set in motion, the stake is high.

Choosing the right candidate for the contest becomes a clinical accuracy. There's no room for mistake.

Though Heretic was in charge of spiritual matter the high vessel refuses to speak to him. Into this atmosphere of distrust and need comes the other Elder: first as treasurer, then appointed leader to take charge of the Church. He is a meek and mild, subject to authority, and follows protocolhaving no personal agenda, and willing to do God's plan and purpose.

The Heretic: an impostor, hypocrite, bully with a delicate and deadly expertise in manipulating people and events. Ruthless in pursuit of his own interest, he's ambitious with an evil scheme to undermine and thwart God's plan. His personal agenda is carried out in the tussle for power to "rein-of-terror" and a tyrant who fluctuate between foodie passion and murderous rages.

Now, who do you think God will choose as His candidate... and who Satan will choose as its candidate?

Right, your guess is as good as anyone.

Indisputable, Distinct Instruction

God through His prophet and anointed vessel, appointed the Elder with specific and distinct instructions: "Be strong. Do God's will."

It was God who picked the other Elder as His choicemandate givenconfirmed by two specific messages.

Heretic could never be God's choice for he carries too many dark baggagea burden to the people and a hindrance to God's plan.

It's God against the might of the Evil forces holding the people to ransom. Standing with these Evil forces is one who is corrupt, selfish, immoral with personal agenda and vested interest to subvert the leadership.

The Failed Mission

All this time the success of the Devil is its ability to keep the lids tight— "flying under the radar."

Silence and secrecy, punctuated with slyness have consistently been its preferred modus operandi.

Satan operating behind a shroud of secrecy, breached by its agent who could not bring his big gap under control.

The devil is not happy when the assigned person failed its missionbreaking every single code of secrecy.

Heretic boasted: "No one can prove what I said is wrong," flaunting his prowess in a military fashion: "I have the numbers."

Satan is a sore loser, and cannot tolerate defeatespecially those that cannot keep silent.


How could God choose Heretic for he openly showed defiance, taunting: "I have the high truth,"compliments of the Devil's dark knowledge.

What God instituted Heretic tried to undermine His chosen leadership.

God could never choose one who is complicit in conspiracy with the enemy to destroy His plan and purpose.

How could God choose a traitor? IMPOSSIBLE!