When people are unjustly sentenced to
'truth revival' program by a megalomania
– their lives turned upside-down...
Dominate By Intimidation
The heretic that's delusional about his own authority and self-importance is so obsessed to exercise his power to dominate. He functions as one with imperious sense of command.
In his zest for power and dominance the heretic has crossed all limits.
Any one being targeted will become an unfortunate victim befitting his popular tagline, "You have no truth, come for the Thursday's bible class."
Others lambasted for 'not having the truth' told in no uncertain terms that they're going to hell. Imagine, even a six years old child is not spared!
It is not appropriate for a 'spiritual elder' to behave and speak somewhat in his careless, disrespectful fashion. By spewing toxic innuendos he has set a gross and offensive moral in the very place of God.
While the people are trained to submit to authority, would not question a church elder, they easily succumb to his intimidation. It may not sound as scare tactic but close enough to a mild threat, yet so deadly.
Most are coerce and feel compel to attend the 'truth revival' program – just to avoid harassments from his promoters.
Unable to resist, most yielded, just to pacify his abuse and satisfy his ego. More so, out of fear and trying to please a man.
Who would want to face his wrath and be cut down to size? They would rather oblige to 'show face' by attending his class.
Obsessed by Numbers
The attendance issue has become an obsession and turns into a number game. People are manipulated and treated as numeric digits, just to reinforce he has the support of the majority. Any extra digit is a bonus – to pad his quota.
Embolden, he even dare to defy and confront God, taunting, "I have the numbers." The Devil through his perverse mouth spews out deliberately to insult and slight the Father.
Words calculated to implant fears and suspicions on the people, to discredit God's works and His appointment. "Yes, we support the leadership but we're also for the truth," appears as innocuous statement, underlies subtle toxic meanings.
Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pain taken to bring it to light.
When conducting an audit and due diligence of his last two years of 'ministerial works' reveal this whole conspiracy to destroy God's governance and to replace the Law of God with the Devil's doctrines is so clear for all to see.
The evidences are concrete, compelling and conclusive.
A Half-Truth Does More Mischief Than A Whole Lie
Wearing the religious garbs to deceive ordinary believers that he is a pious man. But in fact, a soldier of fortune – a hireling working for his master, to fulfil his lust for riches and power.
The indictment is not without an airtight case.
When God finally says, "That's enough," the appointed leadership has to abide and obey. It takes guts, character and nerves of steel to obey God.
What if he hesitated, try to compromise with the heretic so to maintain peace and harmony? What if he's sentimental and affected by emotions?
Yes, you guess it right.
Everyone will be dragged into hell – first the leader, followed by the rest.
The truth may taste like bitter medicine. It pains but the truth is never dangerous. Except, what is spoken of the heretic, "What you say is very dangerous."
Indeed, everything spew out from his perverse mouth is very dangerous – all calculated to overturn God's doctrines to replace with the Devil's.
The people had an epiphany, after a long period under the dark cloud, the spell is finally broken – catch on what they're doing is wrong.
Enlightened, awaken and realized they've been duped: doing something foolish by massaging his ego – eventuate paying a high price.
The Sound of Silence Broken
With only a matter of few short months after 311, already we have so many scandals exposed – more than what we could chew.
Unraveling of the secret agenda opens the eyes of the victims. They emerge to testify of the 'sufferings' under the dark instrument, exposing his lies, deceits and manipulations.
Eyewitnesses and victims are willing to step forward to shed light on his shameless trickery causing many to falter and stumble – descending to the cesspool of hell.
The voluminous evidences in the victims' testimonies and many 'red-handed' events are proven beyond any shallow of doubts.
Intimidated and humiliated by one that supposed will lift them up but failed miserably.
The afflicted, humbled themselves, expressed their regrets and apolozied to God. Tears flow unashamedly, many voiced out their anger and frustrations.
From the cry of the victims, the scars and hurts lingered within their bleeding hearts, have reached high heaven. The Father responded by sanctifying them.
Day Of Reckoning
Glory belongs to God.
No one touches His glory. The heretic blatantly tried to steal the thunder, is denied.
As the day of reckoning approaches it is always the darkest ... just before the dawn.