Mother killed the beast...I partook! Interestingly, we did it in ignorance, understood not the Salvation Pact.
As I muse over my childhood life, it was never short of interesting activities. One particular ‘event’ I never asked for became a part of my reluctant participation...'s the ‘ritual killing’.
What? Did you say killing? I could hear you protesting aloud.
People have phobia about anything under the sun. They fear everything – even men, but God.
The Sacrificial Chicken / Duck
It's this ‘ritual killing’ in our little animal farm that I dread, even to hide from my mother.
First I have to help mother ‘chase after’ the chicken or duck depending on the occasion or more precisely the fate of the animal. Once the prey is targeted, usually the big, fat ones, we would cornered the animal.
With the sacrificial chicken / duck we then march to a nearby ditch.
And guess what?
The killing begins …
“Ritual Killing”
Crisscrossing the wings and holding the chicken’s legs, squeezing tightly with all my strength, and mother would bend the neck backward. Next, she starts to plug out the feathers at the neck area until it exposes the reddish skin.
Then the sharp and gleaming knife goes straight into the throat. Spurting, a rush and gush of blood surge like a bursting dam spilling into the running water.
The chicken starts to shake and vibrate vigorously, flutters its wings, gives a few hard kicks, and finally it stops … it’s all over.
Slaying the Beast
I once asked mother why she killed the chicken / duck and offered to her gods.
She answered, “What others do, we just follow.” What she meant was if everyone in the community is practicing it why bothered? This act of worship of old is an act of pledging allegiance to God. Lost and buried in its meaning through the ages, is now revealed!
Let’s go back to the beginning to continue the story…
In the beginning in Genesis God slew a ram and clothed Adam and Eve with its skin. Then again in Mt. Moriah, God provided for Abraham with a ram in place of Isaac for the sacrifice.
Here God provided the clues to worship him: slaying of the ram.
In the Old Testament God commanded the Jews to slay the animals for worship. They obeyed with little understanding, just like mother.
The Salvation Pact: Satan’s Death Warrant
Satan's nightmare: The Salvation Pact.
By spreading lamb’s blood on the lintels and doorposts of their houses, the Israelites placed themselves under the blood and protected from the angels of death. Their obedience to the Passover blood saved them from the death angel whiles the firstborns of every Egyptian household died (Exodus 12:21-24).
Mother would sometimes have a bowl of blood placed on the table with the sacrificial chicken / duck to offer to the heathen gods.
Mother would sometimes have a bowl of blood placed on the table with the sacrificial chicken / duck to offer to the heathen gods.
Today, we do not kill animals as sacrifice to God. We do it in the spiritual sense – by joining forces with God In the Salvation Pact to slay the beast. You are then united with God in His common cause: to gun for Satan.
Remember how God provided the Ram for Abraham in place of Isaac for the sacrifice? God provided a clue to us – ‘Kill the Ram!’ Abraham being faithful and obedient to God, even though he did not understand the significance, just obeyed, and essentially fulfilled the Salvation Pact
Two-in-One in Salvation
the Redemption Plan and the Salvation Plan. You cannot have one without the other.
Just like the Old Testaments and the New Testaments – they are one. The two tablets of the Law are inseparable.
The Redemption Plan and the Salvation Plan are one and inseparable. Mat. 1:21 Jesus Christ saves his people from sins in the plan of redemption. God calls us to His purpose and grace by making His proposal to men in the garden of Eden when God slew the animal and clothed Adam and Eve.
This proposal offers men to join forces with God to destroy Satan, men receive the gift of salvation in reciprocation to the pact – with grace or help from God. He does the major role in destroying Satan.
It's not a choice, it's a need to embrace and reciprocate God's mercy by climbing into the bandwagon of the high vessel to join forces with God in the Salvation Pact. Be united in the truth and continue in His cause.
God came to make war, not love. Through warfare men can be set free and have abundant life. It means rejecting the dark knowledge of Satan and embracing the law of God.
Pledging allegiance to Father God to gun down the Devil determines one's position with Him. Then God's promise of the gift of eternal life becomes a reality.
Salvation requires the two crucial steps: begins the journey with the Redemption Plan and completes with the Salvation Plan.
If truth could be seen with the naked eye – then naked truth would be exposed – but truth can run naked, yet unseen, unless lies debunked.
Not many know about it, but now you know. What is your stand in the Salvation Pact? What are you going to do about it?
If you think it’s nothing, think again.
Don't spend lots of time thinking. Spend more time doing.
Take action...
Declare your stand.
SNT Team