December 24, 2012

T'is The Season With A Reason

Christmas Present T'is may be the season of gifts, food and holiday. It's also a time for quiet reflection.

The good, the bad and the ugly have passed under the bridge. 

Know that every thing happens with good reasons...

...and fire of emotional sparks burn through the house
 So fast came the deluge of rain to douse
You see, in DI's pocket the secrets were found
Twists and turns, now the troubles abound 

Wily as a fox; before you could ask, what's the matter?
The five hundred falls victims and lives in tatters
Father to the rescue! A hard knock on his head
Send DI into defence. Now, he's as good as dead

His fingerprints are all over the places
No longer solving mystery mazes 
Angels are busy sending files to heaven
Know that all facts are checked and proven

With hope, the people have every reason to smile
They're happy to keep the oppressor away by some miles     
Remember, as we reflect in this holiday season
Know that every thing happens with good reason

Tis the season, with a new start for a change
His promise, "You'll be happy people," is not strange
Rejoice and sing for the Lord is good
By His mercy He got us out of the wood